READING LIT FORMS (20th Century Visual Culture) | Graf | M-Th 12:30-1:20 | 14042 |
Most of us take for granted the myriad influences of the visual in our daily lives. We have cameras in our phones. We consult
Google Maps to know exactly what the library looks like from the outside, so we don't get lost. And, we know that our own images will be recorded. In this course we will explore changes to the concept and application of visuality in the 20th century. Some of the central questions guiding our inquiry will be: how does technology (ie, mass print circulation, photography and cinema) shape the way we look at the world? How does visual culture differ today compared to 100 years ago? We will consider the category of visuality as a lens through which to view related issues in 20th century US culture, including economics, race and govern
invisible man ASIN: B004TN6C6U
stuck rubber baby ISBN-10: 9781563892554
house of mirth ISBN-10: 0486420493
(other readings by course packet + films to be left on library reserve)