*** SPSS SCORING PROGRAM FOR FAMILY COMPLETED QODD *** Ruth A. Engelberg, PhD *** Pulmonary and Critical Care *** University of Washington *** Box 359765 *** rengel@u.washington.edu *** 206-744-9523 VARIABLE LABELS paina “Family QODD how often pain under control” /painb “Family QODD rating of pain under control” /contrla “Family QODD how often appear to have control” /contrlb “Family QODD rating of being in control” /feeda “Family QODD feed self” /feedb “Family QODD rating of feeding self” /breata “Family QODD freq of breathing comfortably” /breatb “Family QODD rating of breathing comfortably” /peacea “Family QODD freq of feeling at peace about dying” /peaceb “Family QODD rating of feeling at peace about dying” /feara “Family QODD freq of appearing unafraid” /fearb “Family QODD rating of appearing unafraid” /laugha “Family QODD freq of laughing, smiling” /laughb “Family QODD rating of laughing, smiling” /respta “Family QODD freq of appearing to keep dignity, self-respect” /resptb “Family QODD rating of dignity, self-respect” /familya “Family QODD freq of spending time with other family,friends” /familyb “Family QODD rating of time with other family,friends” /alonea “Family QODD freq of spending time alone” /aloneb “Family QODD rating of time spent alone” /huga “Family QODD was patient touched, hugged by loved ones?” /hugb “Family QODD rating of touching, hugging by loved ones” /costsa “Family QODD were health care costs taken care of?” /costsb “Family QODD rating of having health care costs taken care of” /byea “Family QODD did patient say good-bye to loved ones?” /byeb “Family QODD rating of importance of saying good-bye” /feela “Family QODD did patient clear up bad feelings with others?” /feelb “Family QODD rating of importance of clearing up bad feelings?” /relvisa “Family QODD did patient have visits from religious advisor?” /relvisb “Family QODD rating of importance of visits from religious advisor” /relsrva “Family QODD did patient have spiritual service before death?” /relsrvb “Family QODD rating of importance of spiritual service before death” /venta “Family QODD was ventilator used?” /ventb “Family QODD rating of importance of ventilator use or non-use” /diala “Family QODD did patient receive dialysis?” /dialb “Family QODD rating of use or non-use of dialysis” /funera “Family QODD were funeral arrangements in order?” /funerb “Family QODD rating of importance of having funeral arrangements” /eola “Family QODD were resuscitation,intensive care wishes discussed with docs?” /eolb “Family QODD rating of doc discussions or no discussions about wishes” /presa “Family QODD was anyone present at moment of death?” /presb “Family rating of importance of having someone present at death” /statea “Family QODD state at moment of death” /stateb “Family QODD rating of importance of state at moment of death” /qod “Family Q. 23 overall rating of quality of patient’s dying” /careprov “Family Q. 24 overall rating of care from all providers (docs,others) combined” /caremd “Family Q. 25 overall rating of care from doctor”. VALUE LABELS paina contrla feeda breata peacea feara laugha respta familya alonea 0 “none of the time” 1 “a little bit” 2 “some of time” 3 “a good bit of time” 4 “most of the time” 5 “all of the time” 6 “don’t know or didn’t apply” 555 “unable to decipher intended code” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” /huga costsa byea feela relvisa relsrva venta diala funera eola presa 1 “yes” 2 “no” 3 “don’t know” 555 “unable to decipher intended code” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” /statea 1 “awake” 2 “asleep” 3 “in a coma or unconscious” 4 “don’t know” 555 “unable to decipher intended code” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” /painb contrlb feedb breatb peaceb fearb laughb resptb familyb aloneb hugb costsb byeb feelb relvisb relsrvb ventb dialb funerb eolb presb stateb qod 0 “TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE” 10 “ALMOST PERFECT EXPERIENCE” 555 “unable to decipher intended code” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” 999 “don’t know” /careprov caremd 0 “WORST HEALTHCARE POSSIBLE” 10 “BEST HEALTHCARE POSSIBLE” 555 “unable to decipher intended code” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip, na” 999 “don’t know”. MISSING VALUES paina contrla feeda breata peacea feara laugha respta familya alonea (6, 555 thru 999) /huga costsa byea feela relvisa relsrva venta diala funera eola presa (3, 555 thru 999) /statea (4, 555 thru 999) /painb contrlb feedb breatb peaceb fearb laughb resptb familyb aloneb hugb costsb byeb feelb relvisb relsrvb ventb dialb funerb eolb presb stateb qod careprov caremd (555 thru 999). COMPUTE fmQOD1 = mean.1 (painb,contrlb,feedb,breatb,peaceb,fearb,laughb,resptb,familyb,aloneb,hugb, costsb,byeb,feelb,relvisb,relsrvb,ventb,dialb,funerb,eolb,presb,stateb ). COMPUTE fmQOD1s = (fmQOD1/10) * 100. VARIABLE label fmqod1 “Family QODD score, minimum of 1 valid out of 22 items, 0-10 scoring” /fmqod1s “Family QODD score, minimum of 1 valid out of 22 items, 0-100 scoring”. ***EOF: IPACC_QODD_Family_scoring.sps [familyQODD-spsssyntax.txt]***