*** SPSS SCORING PROGRAM FOR NURSE COMPLETED QODD *** Ruth A. Engelberg, PhD *** Pulmonary and Critical Care *** University of Washington *** Box 359765 *** rengel@u.washington.edu *** 206-744-9523 VARIABLE LABELS npainb “RN QODD rating of pain under control” /ncontrlb “RN QODD rating of being in control” /nfeedb “RN QODD rating of feeding self” /nbreatb “RN QODD rating of breathing comfortably” /npeaceb “RN QODD rating of feeling at peace about dying” /nfearb “RN QODD rating of appearing unafraid” /nlaughb “RN QODD rating of laughing, smiling” /nresptb “RN QODD rating of dignity, self-respect” /nfamilyb “RN QODD rating of time with other family,friends” /naloneb “RN QODD rating of time spent alone” /nhugb “RN QODD rating of touching, hugging by loved ones” /nbyeb “RN QODD rating of importance of saying good-bye” /nfeelb “RN QODD rating of importance of clearing up bad feelings?” /nrelvisb “RN QODD rating of importance of visits from religious advisor” /nrelsrvb “RN QODD rating of importance of spiritual service before death” /nventa “RN QODD was ventilator used?” /nventb “RN QODD rating of importance of ventilator use or non-use” /ndiala “RN QODD did patient receive dialysis?” /ndialb “RN QODD rating of use or non-use of dialysis” /neola “RN QODD were resuscitation,intensive care wishes discussed with docs?” /neolb “RN QODD rating of doc discussions (none, any) about wishes” /nalive “RN was patient kept alive too long?” /npresa “RN QODD was anyone present at moment of death?” /npresb “RN rating of importance of having someone present at death” /nstatea “RN QODD state at moment of death” /nstateb “RN QODD rating of importance of state at moment of death” /nqod “RN overall rating of quality of patient's dying” /nprovs “RN overall rating of care from all providers (physicians, others) combined” /nmds “RN overall rating of care from doctor” /nseda “RN was sedation used?” /nsedb “RN rating of use of sedation”. VALUE LABELS nventa ndiala nseda neola nalive npresa 1 “yes” 2 “no” 3 “don't know” 555 “unclear response” 666 “not asked ” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” 999 “don’t know” /nstatea 1 “awake” 2 “asleep” 3 “in a coma or unconscious” 4 “don't know” 555 “unclear response” 666 “not asked” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” 999 “don’t know” /npainb ncontrlb nfeedb nbreatb npeaceb nfearb nlaughb nresptb nfamilyb naloneb nhugb nbyeb nfeelb nrelvisb nrelsrvb nventb ndialb nsedb neolb npresb nstateb nqod 0 “TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE” 10 “ALMOST PERFECT EXPERIENCE” 555 “unclear response” 666 “not asked” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” 999 “don’t know” /nprovs nmds 0 “WORST HEALTHCARE POSSIBLE” 10 “BEST HEALTHCARE POSSIBLE” 555 “unclear responses” 666 “not asked” 777 “refused” 888 “true skip,na” 999 “don’t know”. MISSING VALUES npainb ncontrlb nfeedb nbreatb npeaceb nfearb nlaughb nresptb nfamilyb naloneb nhugb nbyeb nfeelb nrelvisb nrelsrvb nventb ndialb nsedb neolb npresb nstateb nqod nprovs nmds (555 thru 999). MISSING VALUES nventa ndiala nseda neola nalive npresa (3, 555 thru 999) /nstatea (4, 555 thru 999). COMPUTE RNQOD1 = mean.1 (npainb,ncontrlb,nfeedb,nbreatb,npeaceb,nfearb,nlaughb,nresptb,nfamilyb, naloneb,nhugb,nbyeb,nfeelb,nrelvisb,nrelsrvb,nventb,ndialb, neolb,npresb,nstateb). COMPUTE RNQOD1s = (RNQOD1/10) * 100. VARIABLE LABELS RNQOD1 “RN-QODD1, 1/20 valid responses, 0-10 scoring” /RNQOD1s “RN-QODD1s, 1/20 valid responses, 0-100 scoring”. ***EOF: IPACC_QODD_Nursing_scoring.sps [nurseQODD-spsssyntax] ***