** PROGRAM: NON-UW spss syntax.sps ** PURPOSE: To provide variable names, missing values and total QODD score for NON-UW sites ** DATE: 8/3/01 **AUTHOR: Ruth A. Engelberg, PhD Pulmonary and Critical Care University of Washington Box 359762 rengel@u.washington.edu ***PART1: QODD *** VARIABLE AND VALUE LABELS. VARIABLE LABELS pid 'patient identifier' /sid 'SO identifier' /intmo 'after-death interview month' /intdy 'after-death interview day' /intyr 'after-death interview year' /strtime 'after-death start time' /stptime 'after-death stop time' /minute 'after-death-minutes to complete interview' /version '7 day or 30 day version' /dthdtok 'Q.1 date of death correct?' /dthm 'Q.1death date-month' /dthdy 'Q.1 death date-day' /dthyr 'Q.1 death date-year' /adthm ' Q.1 SO corrected date of death-month' /adthdy 'Q.1 SO corrected date of death-day' /adthyr 'Q.1 SO corrected date of death-year' /day1 'Q.2 saw patient, day1' /day2 'Q.2 saw patient, day2' /day3 'Q.2 saw patient, day 3' /day4 'Q.2 saw patient, day 4' /day5 'Q.2 saw patient, day 5' /day6 'Q.2 saw patient, day 6' /day7 'Q.2 saw patient, day 7' /plday1 'Q.3 place saw patient, day1' /plday2 'Q.3 place saw patient, day2' /plday3 'Q.3 place saw patient, day3' /plday4 'Q.3 place saw patient, day4' /plday5 'Q.3 place saw patient, day5' /plday6 'Q.3 place saw patient, day6' /plday7 'Q.3 place saw patient, day7' /mstime 'Q.4 most time spent with patient in one day' /lstime 'Q.5 least time spent with patient in one day' /frqyr 'Q.6 how often during last year' /aware 'Q.7 was patient aware of dying?' /sevday ' Screening question- talk so understood over past seven days?'. VALUE LABELS dthdtok sevday 1' yes' 2' no' /version 7 '7 day version' 30 '30 day version' /day1 to day7 0 'did not see patient' 1'saw patient' /plday1 to plday7 1 'home' 2 'surrogates home' 3 'other home' 4 'hospital' 5 'in-patient hospice' 6 'nursing home' 7 'other' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped, not applicable' 999 'dont know' /mstime lstime 1 '<1 hour' 2 '1-4 hours' 3 '4-8 hours' 4 '>=8 hours' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped, not applicable' 999 'dont know' /frqyr 1 'daily' 2 'at let once a week' 3 'at let once a month' 4 'less than once a month' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped, not applicable' 999 'dont know' /aware 1 'never aware' 2 'aware 1 week before death' 3 'aware 2-4 weeks before death' 4 'aware 2-6 months before death' 5 'aware 6-12 months before death' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped, not applicable' 999 'dont know'. ** PART 2: QODD ** VARIABLE AND VALUE LABELS. Variable labels qodexa 'SO QODD how often listen to music, example' /qodexb 'SO QODD rating of listening to music, example' /qod1a 'SO QODD how often pain under control' /qod1b 'SO QODD rating of pain under control' /qod2a 'SO QODD how often appear to have control' /qod2b 'SO QODD rating of being in control' /qod3a 'SO QODD feed self' /qod3b 'SO QODD rating of feeding self' /qod4a 'SO QODD bladder, bowel control' /qod4b 'SO QODD rating of bladder, bowel control' /qod5a 'SO QODD freq of breathing comfortably' /qod5b 'SO QODD rating of breathing comfortably' /qod6a 'SO QODD freq of feeling at peace about dying' /qod6b 'SO QODD rating of feeling at peace about dying' /qod7a 'SO QODD freq of appearing unafraid' /qod7b 'SO QODD rating of appearing unafraid' /qod8a 'SO QODD freq of laughing, smiling' /qod8b 'SO QODD rating of laughing, smiling' /qod9a 'SO QODD freq of having enough energy' /qod9b 'SO QODD rating of energy' /qod10a 'SO QODD freq of worry about avoiding strain on loved ones' /qod10b 'SO QODD rating of worry about avoiding strain on loved ones' /qod11a 'SO QODD freq of appearing to keep dignity, self-respect' /qod11b 'SO QODD rating of dignity, self-respect' /qod12a 'SO QODD freq of spending time with spouse, partner' /qod12b 'SO QODD rating of time with spouse, partner' /qod13a 'SO QODD freq of spending time with children' /qod13b 'SO QODD rating of time with children' /qod14a 'SO QODD freq of spending time with other family,friends' /qod14b 'SO QODD rating of time with other family,friends' /qod15a 'SO QODD freq of spending time alone' /qod15b 'SO QODD rating of time spent alone' /qod16a 'SO QODD freq of spending time with pets' /qod16b 'SO QODD rating of spending time with pets' /qod17a 'SO QODD did patient find meaning and purpose in life?' /qod17b 'SO QODD rating of finding meaning and purpose in life' /qod18a 'SO QODD was patient touched, hugged by loved ones?' /qod18b 'SO QODD rating of touching, hugging by loved ones' /qod21b 'SO QODD did patient attend important events?' /qod21c 'SO QODD rating of importance of attending important events' /qod19a 'SO QODD were health care costs taken care of?' /qod19b 'SO QODD rating of having health care costs taken care of' /qod22a 'SO QODD did patient say good-bye to loved ones?' /qod22b 'SO QODD rating of importance of saying good-bye' /qod23a 'SO QODD did patient have visits from religious advisor?' /qod23b 'SO QODD rating of importance of visits from religious advisor' /qod24a 'SO QODD did patient have spiritual service before death?' /qod24b 'SO QODD rating of importance of spiritual service before death' /qod25a 'SO QODD was ventilator, dialysis used?' /qod25b 'SO QODD rating of importance of ventilator, dialysis use or non-use' /qod26a 'SO QODD did patient have means to end life?' /qod26b 'SO QODD rating of importance of having/not having means to end life' /qod27b 'SO QODD did patient clear up bad feelings with others?' /qod27c 'SO QODD rating of importance of clearing up bad feelings?' /qod28a 'SO QODD were funeral arrangements in order?' /qod28b 'SO QODD rating of importance of having funeral arrangements' /qod20a 'SO QODD were resuscitation,intensive care wishes discussed with docs?' /qod20b 'SO QODD rating of doc discussions/no discussions about wishes' /padie3 'SO Q.29a place to die- patients own home' /padie6 'SO Q.29a place to die-surrogates home' /padie7 'SO Q.29a place to die-other home' /padie12 'SO Q.29a place to die-hospital' /padie5 'SO Q.29a place to die-hospice' /padie4 'SO Q.29a place to die-nursing home' /padie9 'SO Q.29a place to die-other' /hometx 'SO Q.29a name of other home' /hospit 'SO Q.29a name of hospital' /hosptx 'SO Q.29a name of hospice' /nurstx 'SO Q.29a name of nursing home' /othdie 'SO Q.29a name of other place' /padieb 'SO QODD rating of dying in place of ones choice' /presa 'SO Q.30a was anyone present at moment of death?' /presb 'SO Q. 30b rating of importance of having someone present at death' /qod33a 'SO QODD state at moment of death' /qod33b 'SO QODD rating of importance of state at moment of death' /qodqola 'SO Q. 32 rating of quality of life during last 7/30 days' /qodqolb 'SO Q.32 rating of quality of moment of death' /qodcue 'SO use of verbal cue card' /rel 'SO q.1 relationship with patient' /reltxt 'SO q.1 relationship with patient-other' /brthmo 'SO q.2 so birth month' /brthdy 'SO q.2 so birth day' /brthyr 'SO q.2 so birth year' /closehr 'SO q.3 hours to patient' /closemn 'SO q.3 minutes to patient' /knowyr 'SO q.4 years know patient' /knowmo 'SO q.4 months know patient' /sex 'SO q.5 so gender' /white 'SO q.6 white' /afam 'SO q.6 black, african american' /hisp 'SO q.6 hispanic' /asian 'SO q.6 asian or pacific islander' /natam 'SO q.6 native american' /raceoth 'SO q.6 race-other' /racetx 'SO q.6 other race-text' /ed 'SO education' /CONT ' INTERV Q.1 continue?' /BURDEN ' INTERV Q. 2 burden' /COMMENT 'INTERV Q.3 anything else important about quality of death?' /EASY 'INTERV Q.4 how to make questionnaire easier?' /INT1 ' Interview complete?' /INT2A 'Reasons for incompleteness-respondents illness' /INT2B 'Reasons for incompleteness-fatique' /INT2C 'Reasons for incompleteness-poor mental status' /INT2D 'Reasons for incompleteness-uncooperativeness' /INT2E 'Reasons for incompleteness-insulted by questions' /INT2F 'Reasons for incompleteness-unsatisfactory interview conditions' /INT3 'Quality of data' /INT3TXT 'Explanation for data quality, if not good' /INT4 'Method of interview' /INTFN 'Interviewer first name' /INTLN 'Interviewer last name'. VALUE LABELS padie3 padie4 padie5 padie6 padie7 padie9 padie12 0'not endorsed' 1'endorsed' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /qod17a qod18a qod19a qod20a qod21b qod22a qod23a qod24a qod25a qod26a qod27b qod28a presa cont int1 int2a to int2f white afam hisp asian natam raceoth 1 'yes' 2 'no' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /qodexa qod1a qod2a qod3a qod4a qod5a qod6a qod7a qod8a qod9a qod10a qod11a qod12a qod13a qod14a qod15a qod16a 0 'none of the time' 1 'a little bit ' 2 'some of time' 3 'a good bit of time' 4 'most of the time' 5 'all of the time' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /qodexb qod1b qod2b qod3b qod4b qod5b qod6b qod7b qod8b qod9b qod10b qod11b qod12b qod13b qod14b qod15b qod16b qod17b qod18b qod21c qod19b qod22b qod23b qod24b qod25b qod26b qod27c qod28b qod20b padieb presb qod33b qodqola qodqolb 0 'TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE' 10 'ALMOST PERFECT EXPERIENCE' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /qod33a 1 'awake' 2'asleep' 3 'in a coma/unconcious' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /burden 0 'no burden at all' 5 'moderate burden' 10 'terrible burden' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /int3 1 'poor quality data' 2'fair quality data' 3'good quality data' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /int4 1 'in person' 2 'by telephone' /qodcue 1 'yes' 2' no' 777 'refused' 888 'skipped,na' 999 'dont know' /sex 1 'female' 2'male' /rel 1 'spouse, partner' 2 'child' 3 'sibling' 4 'friend' 5 'parent' 6 'other relative' 7 'other' /ed 1 'no formal education' 2 'k-8' 3 'some hs' 4 'hs' 5 'some college' 6 'college' 7 'graduate or professional school'. *** ASSIGNING MISSING VALUES. MISSING VALUES sid intmo intdy intyr strtime stptime minute version dthdtok dthm dthdy dthyr adthm adthdy adthyr day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 plday1 plday2 plday3 plday4 plday5 plday6 plday7 mstime lstime frqyr aware sevday qodexa qodexb qod1a qod1b qod2a qod2b qod3a qod3b qod4a qod4b qod5a qod5b qod6a qod6b qod7a qod7b qod8a qod8b qod9a qod9b qod10a qod10b qod11a qod11b qod12a qod12b qod13a qod13b qod14a qod14b qod15a qod15b qod16a qod16b qod17a qod17b qod18a qod18b qod21b qod21c qod19a qod19b qod22a qod22b qod23a qod23b qod24a qod24b qod25a qod25b qod26a qod26b qod27b qod27c qod28a qod28b qod20a qod20b padie3 padie6 padie7 padie12 padie5 padie4 padie9 padieb presa presb qod33a qod33b qodqola qodqolb rel brthmo brthdy brthyr closehr closemn knowmo knowyr sex white afam hisp asian natam raceoth racetx ed cont burden int1 int2a int2b int2c int2d int2e int2f int3 int4 (666 thru 999). *** COMPUTING A TOTAL QODD SCORE FROM SO AFTER-DEATH RATINGS USING 27 ITEMS, EXCLUDING: QOD12,16,21,27 COMPUTE QOD27 = mean.22 (qod1b, qod2b, qod3b, qod4b, qod5b, qod6b, qod7b, qod8b, qod9b, qod10b, qod11b, qod13b, qod14b, qod15b, qod17b, qod18b, qod19b, qod20b, qod22b, qod23b, qod24b, qod25b, qod26b, qod28b, padieb,presb, qod33b). COMPUTE QOD27s = (qod27/10) * 100. VARIABLE LABELS QOD27 'total QODD score, 22/27items, w/out 12,16,21,27' /QOD27S 'total QODD score,22/27items, w/out 12,16,21,27, scored 0-100' FREQ variables = qod27 qod27s /statistics = all /histogram. *** COMPUTING A TOTAL QODD SCORE FROM SO RATINGS USING ALL 31 ITEMS. COMPUTE QOD31 = mean.26 (qod1b, qod2b, qod3b,qod4b,qod5b,qod6b,qod7b,qod8b,qod9b, qod10b, qod11b,qod12b,qod13b,qod14b,qod15b,qod16b,qod17b,qod18b,qod21c, qod19b,qod22b,qod23b,qod24b,qod25b,qod26b,qod27c,qod28b,qod20b, apadieb,apresb,qod33b ). COMPUTE QOD31S = (QOD31/10) * 100. Variable labels QOD31 'total QODD ratings, 26/31 items' /QOD31S 'total QOD score, 26/31 items, 0-100 scoring'. Freq variables = QOD31 QOD31S /statistics = all /histogram. ** EOF: NON-UW spss syntax.sps C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Web Instruments\NON-UW spss syntax as word document-8-3-01.doc\08/03/01 5