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Economic Policy Research Center

Health Care Policy



Faculty Contact

Research Fellows

  • Bobbie Berkowitz, Chair and Professor, Department of Psychosocial & Community Health, School of Nursing
  • Clark Johnson, Research Associate Professor, School of Nursing
  • Deborah Ward, Associate Professor, Department of Psychosocial & Community Health, School of Nursing 

Current Projects

Seattle, Washington, USA
© 1994-2003, University of Washington
All trademarks are owned by the University of Washington

The mission of the Economic Policy Research Center is to enhance the interaction between UW faculty and Northwest decision makers in the public and private sectors.  We seek to provide state-of-the-art economic policy research, to constitute an intellectual resource to the region by clarifying the economic issues facing policy makers.

The Economic Policy Research Center is a neutral forum for critical economic policy discussions that are viatal for the region.  The purpose is to establishe a point of intersection for academics, public and private sector parties in periodic forums and conferences to focus on regional economic issues.

Policy problems addressed by the Economic Policy Center are complex and demand illumination from a multitude of perspectives.  Hence the Center actively seeks to establish multidisciplinary alliances with researchers who share similar interests.  We invite Research Fellows to join the Center and to broaden its perspective and appeal.  Beyond attracting Research Fellows, it is the mission of the Center to create partnerships linking citizens and University of Washington faculty and students, to meet community and scholarly objectives.
UW Seal
Seattle, Washington, USA
© 1994-2003, University of Washington
All trademarks are owned by the University of Washington