False Bay: Taxonomic Diversity by Site
To analyze the taxonomic diversity among sites within False Bay, we made a rough phylogeny of all taxa we observed and then scored the presence of species (or families of annelid polychaete worms) within sites.  The table below shows the presence (+) of a given taxon as noted during our quantitative sampling.

A few general trends are apparent.  The Ulva area shows the greatest taxonomic diversity, including representatives of all five phyla and the greatest diversity within four of the five phyla.  The Lugworm area had the lowest diversity, with representatives of only three phyla and only a single crustacean.  In contrast, crustacean diversity was highest in the Mud Shrimp area, which otherwise showed relatively low diversity.  Diversity in the Sandbar area was at an intermediate level; this was, notably, the only site to include chaetopterid worms.  Possible explanations for these diversity patterns are given on the respective site pages.