Visit our FIG GOPost!

Registration Tips

  • Make at least 3 sample schedules
  • All you need are the SLN numbers to register
  • A lot of you want to take Chem 152, keep in mind that, the higher you go, the more difficult the classes. Most of you only took the FIG courses this quarter. If you decide to take three 5-credit courses, choose 2 hard and 1 easier (You should sign up for ~15 credits, that's the UW average). Don't take three science/math courses. You will have an unhappy quarter if you do.
  • If you want to take a foreign language or math class, you need to first take a placement test -Click Here-
  • If a course that you want requires an add/entry code or says "only for graduate students," email the faculty member anyway. I have never been closed out of a class. You will need to essentially sell yourself: tell them why you would be an EXCELLENT participant of their class and show how much and why you want to take their course. Of course, if the course requires prereq classes (i.e. to take Chem 162, you need to have taken Chem 152), it is harder to get an add code
  • www.uwtools.com for Closed Class Tracker
  • I have taken a huge variety of courses during the last four years (mainly Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Neurobiology, Dance, Psychology, and various health and premed classes), if you have an interest, feel free to email me with questions about the course.
  • For premeds/prehealth: Check out UCONJ (e.g. internat'l health), CONJ (e.g. rural health), MHE (Medical History & Ethics), and classes in the School of Medicine (towards the bottom of the Course Catalog)
General Studies 199, Autumn 2007
FIG #113

Instructor: Jeannie Nguyen
Email: jknguyen@u.washington.edu

Office Hours: By Appointment

Important Announcements

Homework Due IN CLASS on 12/06/07

1. Bring a Show-N-Tell Object that represents how you have changed as a person from high school until now. You will give a brief presentation to the class. Make this educational, but fun and creative!

2. Please feel free to bake something, bring snacks, drinks, or anything else for the class to enjoy!

3. I will be taking a class group photo - just an FYI for those that like to dress up for pictures.

4. Complete the online evaluation below. After completion, you will receive a confirmation number. EMAIL me this number. The survey is completely anonymous and I will not be able to track you with the number; it simply confirms that you have completed the survey.


FIG Student Survey URL



FIG #113 Portfolio URLs

Sample Completed Portfolios

Jeannie Nguyen as a FIG Leader in 2007: http://portfolio.washington.edu/jknguyen/figleader/

Jeannie Nguyen as a freshman FIGlet in 2003: http://portfolio.washington.edu/jknguyen/fig/

View the portfolio projects of your FIGmates!

Jared Tonge: http://portfolio.washington.edu/tongej/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Kelly Cabral: http://portfolio.washington.edu/cabrak/my-university-portfolio-2007

Laura Hegge: https://portfolio.washington.edu/heggele/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Leah Stevens: http://portfolio.washington.edu/lcs8/my-university-portfolio-2007

Brian Lee: http://portfolio.washington.edu/jester7/my-university-portfolio-2007

Katy Irwin: http://portfolio.washington.edu/cki/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Alex Kirbach: http://portfolio.washington.edu/ark47/2007universityportfolio/

Ian Gregg: http://portfolio.washington.edu/irgregg/gen_studies/

Jared Knutzen: www.portfolio.washington.edu/jaredk2/portfolio

Shaffer Lathrop: http://portfolio.washington.edu/adl5/my-university-portfolio/

Samuel Kim: http://portfolio.washington.edu/samwkim/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Cristina Ciridon: http://portfolio.washington.edu/cciridon/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Scott Glenn: http://portfolio.washington.edu/scottg16/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Sam Tanji: https://portfolio.washington.edu/stanji/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Ben Hinrichs: http://portfolio.washington.edu/brichs/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Lisa Storie: http://portfolio.washington.edu/lmstorie/my-university-portfolio-2007

Joshua Hutt: http://portfolio.washington.edu/huttj/genst199/

Pat Streitz: http://portfolio.washington.edu/clope195/patrick-streitz/

Erica Nelson: http://portfolio.washington.edu/nelsoe2/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Kerianne Steucke: www.portfolio.washington.edu/steuck/my-university-portfolio-2007/

Sara Knauft: http://portfolio.washington.edu/sknauft/FIG/

Laura Woeller: http://portfolio.washington.edu/lauraw8/my-university-portfolio-2007

Class Time and Location

Thursdays 2:30-3:20

MGH 082A

No class on 11/22 - Happy Thanksgiving!


Drumheller Fountain

The Quad