Colin Bateson

Colin Bateson

Research Assistant
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Washington
Box 352600
Seattle, WA 98195
(206) 685-2447

Colin received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Virginia in Aerospace Engineering. While there, he conducted research to characterize the material properties of gold thin-films for MEMS applications. Colin came to the University of Washington in June 2008 to pursue his Ph.D.

After spending a summer designing and building an educational water tunnel for an undergraduate laboratory, he started working on the construction of a wind tunnel experiment to study the interaction between turbulence and droplet dynamics in multiphase flows.

In 2010 Colin earned his Master of Science for his work on the preferential concentration of droplets in turbulent flows. Currently, his Ph.D. work focuses on how turbulence enhances collision-coalesence for water droplets, which is relevant to warm-rain initiation in cumulus clouds.


• M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle. 2010
• B.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 2005

Professional Experience

• 2006 – 2007: Substitute High School Teacher, THE BALDWIN SCHOOL OF PUERTO RICO, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
• 2005 – 2006: Edison Engineering Development Program Member, THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Cincinnati, OH
• Summer 2003: Intern, NASA Sounding Rocket Operations Contract (NSROC), NORTHROP GRUMMAN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Wallops Island, VA 2003

Selected Publications

  1. I. Chasiotis, C. Bateson, K. Timpano, A. McCarty, N.S. Barker, J. Stanec, "Strain Rate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Nanocrystalline Au Films," Thin Solid Films, vol. 515, pp. 3183-3189, 2007