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Fire and Mountain Ecology Lab Metadata

This page provides an index of metadata records developed by our metadata technicians for most of the Lab's research, technical assistance projects and graduate student research. All FAME Lab metadata conform to the FGDC's Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata and the corresponding Biological Data Profile, and are hosted on and searchable through the FARWest and Washington state clearinghouse nodes. Many records are also on the ONRC node.

This list is arranged alphabetically by lead author. If the data is distributed online via FTP, an ONLINE LINKAGE URL will be clickable in the first section of the metadata file you view. The NBII icon indicates that the metadata record includes elements of the Biological Profile in addition to geospatial elements.

Stephanie Ann Bohlman NBII Detection of Seasonal Foliage Changes in Tropical Forests of the Eastern Amazon Basin Using Landsat TM Images
Sarah Brace NBII The Spatial Distribution of Ozone in the Mount Rainier National Park Region
Michael Case Fine-scale variability in growth-climate relationships of Douglas-fir, North Cascade Range, Washington
Michael Case Fine-scale variability in growth-climate relationships of Lodgepole Pine, North Cascade Range, Washington 
Stephanie Cooper  Assessing Tropospheric Ozone in Western Washington 
Ella Elman Effects of post-harvest treatments on overstory and understory in high-elevation forests of the north Cascade Range, Washington (USA)
Gregory Ettl NBII Growth of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) in the Olympic Mountains, Washington: Response to Climate and Genetic Variation
Gregory Ettl NBII Extreme climate and variation in subalpine fir tree growth
Gregory Ettl NBII Genetic variation of subalpine fir in Olympic Mountains, WA: Association between heterozygosity and growth rate
Ze'ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson,
Nathan J. Mantua
Atmospheric, climatic and ecological controls on extreme wildfire years in the northwestern United States
Ze’ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson,
Nathan J. Mantua
Columbia River flow and drought since 1750
Ze'ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson,
Nathan J. Mantua
A multi-century perspective of variability in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: new insights from tree rings and coral
Melisa L. Holman Forest growth response and sensivity to climatic variability across multiple spatial scales in the Olympic Mountains, Washington
Darryll R. Johnson, Karen P. Foster,
and Katherine L. Kerr
Mount Rainier National Park - 1990 Visitor Survey
Karen E. Kopper, David L. Peterson,
Donald McKenzie
Using Meta-Analysis to Interpret the Effects of Prescribed Fire on Fuel Loadings
Ronda L. Little NBII Subalpine Tree Regeneration Following Fire: Effects of Climate and Other Factors
Don McKenzie NBII Modeling Large-scale Fire Effects: Concepts and Applications
Jill M. Nakawatase Spatial and temporal variability in tree growth-climate relationships in the Olympic Mountains, Washington
National Park Service Northwest Region
- Crater Lake National Park
NPS Vegetation & Landform Database Development Study:
Forest Size / Structure: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
Landforms (Line): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Point): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Polygon): Landform Classification & Mapping
Tree Crown Cover: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
NBII Vegetation Inventory & Vegetation Characteristics Database
NBII Vegetation Species
National Park Service Northwest Region
- Mount Rainier National Park
NPS Vegetation & Landform Database Development Study:
Forest Size / Structure: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
Landforms (Line): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Point): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Polygon): Landform Classification & Mapping
Tree Crown Cover: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
NBII Vegetation Inventory & Vegetation Characteristics Database
NBII Vegetation Species
National Park Service Northwest Region
- North Cascades National Park Complex
NPS Vegetation & Landform Database Development Study:
Forest Size / Structure: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
Landforms (Line): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Point): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Polygon): Landform Classification & Mapping
Tree Crown Cover: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
NBII Vegetation Inventory & Vegetation Characteristics Database
NBII Vegetation Species
National Park Service Northwest Region
- Olympic National Park
NPS Vegetation & Landform Database Development Study:
Forest Size / Structure: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
Landforms (Line): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Point): Landform Classification & Mapping
Landforms (Polygon): Landform Classification & Mapping
Tree Crown Cover: Image-based Vegetation Classification and Mapping
NBII Vegetation Inventory & Vegetation Characteristics Database
NBII Vegetation Species
National Park Service Northwest Region
- San Juan Island National Historical Park
NBII Vegetation and Fuels
Tanya Pergola, Darryll R. Johnson, Jarrett M. Paschel, and Mark E. Vande Kamp Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve 1995 Visitor Survey
David L. Peterson NBII Images of common tree species in western Washington
David L. Peterson, Darci (Horner)
Bowers, and Sarah Brace
Tropospheric Ozone in the Nisqually River Drainage, Mount Rainier National Park
David W. Peterson NBII Mountain hemlock growth responds to climatic variability at annual and decadal time scales
David W. Peterson and David L. Peterson NBII Effects of Climate on Radial Growth of Subalpine Conifers in the North Cascade Mountains
David W. Peterson, David L. Peterson
and Gregory J. Ettl
NBII Growth responses of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) to climatic variability in the Pacific Northwest
Susan Prichard NBII Carbon storage and soil properties of subalpine forests and meadows of the Olympic Mountains
Susan Prichard Holocene Fire and Vegetation Dynamics in a Montane Forest, North Cascades National Park, Washington
Susan Prichard A Reconstruction of Holocene Fire History in the North Cascades Range, Washington Using Lake Sediment Charcoal and Macrofossil Records
Susan Prichard Successional Pathways and Disturbance in a Montane Forest: Interactions of Fire, Stand Dynamics, and Environmental Gradients
Regina Marie Rochefort NBII Ecology and Conservation of Heather in Mount Rainier National Park
Regina Marie Rochefort and David L. Peterson NBII The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Trees in Subalpine Meadows of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, U.S.A.
Carolyn L. Sanscrainte, David L. Peterson
and Steven McKay
Carbon storage and soil properties in late-successional and second-growth subalpine forests in the North Cascade Range, Washington
Carolyn L. Sanscrainte, David L. Peterson
and Steven McKay
Carbon Storage and Soil Properties in Subalpine Parklands of the North Cascade Range, Washington USA
Marnie W. Tyler and David L. Peterson Effects of forest policy on landscape pattern of late-seral forest of the Western Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Marnie W. Tyler and David L. Peterson Vascular plant species diversity in coniferous forests of the Olympic Peninsula: A legacy of land use
Mark E. Vande Kamp, Jane E. Swanson
and Darryll R. Johnson
A Survey of Wilderness Trail Users in Mount Rainier National Park
Mark E. Vande Kamp, Darryll R. Johnson
and Jane E. Swanson
Mount Rainier National Park 1993 Spray Park Visitor Survey
Mark E. Vande Kamp and Darryll R. Johnson A Survey of Visitors Who Planned Their Party's Trip to the White River and Sunrise Areas of Mount Rainier National Park
Mark E. Vande Kamp, Darryll R. Johnson,
Jarrett M. Paschel, and Tanya Pergola
A Survey of Visitors to Mowich Lake in Mount Rainier National Park
Andrea Woodward (USGS) NBII Climate, Geography, and Tree Establishment in Subalpine Meadows of the Olympic Mountains
Andrea Woodward, E. G. Schreiner
and D. G. Silsbee
NBII Relationships Among Environmental Variables and Distribution of Tree Species at High Elevation in the Olympic Mountains
Andrea Woodward, E. G. Schreiner,
D. B. Houston, and B. B. Moorhead
NBII Ungulate-Forest Relationships in Olympic National Park: Retrospective Exclosure Studies
Annette Nana Zolbrod NBII Potential response of high elevation vegetation to climate change in the Olympic Mountains, WA, USA