University of Washington

 Undergraduate Fuel Cell Research


Hydrogen Safety: Is Hydrogen Safe?


H2 Characteristics

    Designing with H2

The Hindenburg


  • The common perception of hydrogen is that it is a dangerous, flammable, explosive gas due to the Hindenburg incident.
  • However, fuels we use everyday such as gasoline, kerosene and natural gas are also very dangerous, flammable, and explosive.
  • The idea of using hydrogen as a fuel in a locomotive situation may make some people uncomfortable.  The use of hydrogen raises many questions concerning the safety of the public as well as the equipment itself.
  • This project is taking every possible scenario into account when developing and designing the train and associated equipment. A team of students is constantly overseeing safety issues from lab procedures to design and operation considerations ensuring a safe train is built.
  • Additionally, outside consultants from Seattle Fire Department, and UW environmental services have been consulted due to the public nature of the project. Their expertise is very valuable in teaching the students on the national codes and regulations which the train will have to meet in order to gain approval to run.