Homework Genetics 453 due January 12

  1. A survey of a SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) site segregating for nucleotides C and G in a chimpanzee population found the following numbers of the different genotypes:
    C/C C/G G/G
    11 42 64
    What is the frequency of G and what are the expected numbers of the genotypes?

  2. Greg wanted to follow Mendel's experiments and was planting 100 pea plants from parents that produce only round seeds (we assume they were all homozygote) and 80 peas from rough seed parents. Once he planted them, Greg forgot which plant was which kind and therefore he pollinated the plants at random. We assume he has a technique to recognize heterozygotes.
    • What are the genotype frequencies, and the allele frequencies in his initial plant "population"?
    • What are the genotype, and allele frequencies in the offspring?
    • Using 100 seeds from his experiment and crossing them again (with themselves), what are the genotype and allele frequencies?
    • Would it make a difference if he was not able to distinguish between the heterozygotes and one of the homozygotes.

  3. A population survey for a microsatellite locus in a Drosphila melanogasterpopulation resulted in the following numbers of different genotypes:
    A/A A/B A/C B/B B/C C/C
    8 38 121 27 252 401
    What are the frequencies for all alleles and what are the expected numbers of the genotypes? What is the measured and expected fraction of heterozygotes?

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