Lecture January 5: Hardy-Weinberg Proportions

Hardy-Weinberg Proportions

HWP are based on following assumptions:
  • Single random mating population
  • Infinitely many individuals
  • No mutation
  • No selection (no differential fertility, viability)
  • No immigration or emmigration
  • Non-overlapping generations

Example Phenotype (codominant) White Pink Red
Example Phenotype (dominant) White White Red
Genotypes AA Aa aa
Observed numbers NAA NAa Naa
Genotype frequency NAA/N NAa/N Naa/N N=NAA+NAa+Naa
P H Q P+H+Q=1

Allele A a
Allele frequency pA [we use often just p] pa [we use often just q] pA+pa=1
P + 0.5 H Q + 0.5 H
(2 NAA + NAa)
2 N
(2 Naa + NAa)
2 N

If the mentioned assumptions hold then the Hardy-Weinberg proportions are achieved in one generation, and after that the allele frequencies stay the same in all future generations.

Example 1: MN red blood cell locus

The observed numbers and the numbers expected from Hardy-Weinberg proportions for the MN blood group locus in an English sample of 1000 blood donors (from Cleghorn 1960)

Phenotype Genotype Observed Number Expected Number
M MM 298 p*p*T=294.3
MN MN 489 2*p*q*T=496.3
N NN 213 q*q*T=209.3
Total T 1000 1000

Use the "Algebra of the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium" to calculate the p and q of the MN blood locus example.

Calculation of allele frequencies for cases with a dominant allele

If we assume that a population IS in Hardy-Weinberg proportions (HWP) then we can calculate the allele frequencies even in cases where one allele is dominant and we cannot distinguish between heterozygotes and the dominant homozygote. We use the fact that the frequency of the recessive allele (say a) has
Paa = (frequency(a))2 = q2
q = frequency(a) = Sqrt(Paa)
In Example 2 we calculate for the recessive allele + in the life frogs is
Paa = 834 / (834 + 53) = 0.940248
allele frequency q = paa = Sqrt(0.940248) = 0.969664
the dominant allele is p=1-q.

Example 2: Coloration variants in frogs (Rana pipiens)

Two color morphs (alleles B and +) of the leopard frog (Rana pipiens). The allele B is dominant, heterozygotes (B+) look like BB. The study was done in Minnesota and investigated if there were differences in in HWP between animals found dead compared to animals caught alive.
On the left the common subspecies (R. p. pipiens), on the right R. p. burnsi. Adapted from Hedrick (2000), data is from Merrell and Rodell (1968). Pictures are (c) Jeff LeClere.

Phenotype Genotype Observed Number Allele Frequency
Living burnsi BB, B+ 53 0.030
pipiens ++ 834 0.970
Dead burnsi BB,B+ 39 0.018
pipiens ++ 1050 0.982

Hardy-Weinberg proportions with multiple alleles

Example with 3 alleles
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A1A3 A2A2 A2A3 A3A3
Genotype Frequencies P11 P12 P13 P22 P23 P33
p(A1) = frequency(A1) = P11 + 0.5 P12 + 0.5 P13)
p(A2) = frequency(A2) = P22 + 0.5 P12 + 0.5 P23)
p(A3) = frequency(A3) = P33 + 0.5 P13 + 0.5 P23)
p(Ai) = frequency(Ai) = Pii + 0.5 Sumkj,i ≠ j(Pij)


The number of heterozygotes in a sample can be used as a measure of variability. The OBSERVED heterozygosity H is simply the frequency of the heterozygotes in the sample. If we assume HWP then the EXPECTED heterosygosity is 2pq for two alleles. For multiple alleles it is often easier to subtract the homozygote genotypes from 1, in general
Hexp= 1 - Sum(Pii)
In Example 2 the dominant allele is masking the heterozygotes, assuming that the population is in HWP, we can calculate the expected heterozygosity H = 2 * 0.969664 * 0.0303361 = 0.0588317 and by multiplying this with the total number (834+53) we estimate the number of heterozygotes as 52 (52.18). Most likely there is only one homozygote burnsi in the living frog sample. This is a common situation, rare alleles most often occur in a heteroyzgote.

Deviation of Hardy-Weinberg porportions

We can test if a sample is in HWP by using a Chi2-Test with the Null hypothesis H0: Sample is in HWP, and the alternative hypothesis H1: Sample is NOT in HWP. For date sets with multiple allele one wants to use more sophisticated procedures, such as those by Guo and Thompson (1996). We use the following
                      (Observed - Expected)2
Chi2 = Sum -------------------------------
The sum is over all genotypic classes. From the calculated Chi2 and with knowledge of another number, the degrees of freedom, we can obtain by comparison with a tabulated Chi2 the probability that the observed numbers deviates from the expected numbers as much or more by chance. The degree of freedom is the number of classes minus 1 and then minus the number of parameters estimated from the data. For the two allele case we have 3 genotypic classes (PAA,PAa,Paa) of which one can be calculated by knowing the other two. We have one parameter pA (we can calculate the other as pa=1-pA). This results in 1 degree of freedom (3-1 - 1). If we use a significance level of 5% (we will erroneously accepting the alternative hypothesis in 5% of all tested cases) the tabulated Chi2 is 3.84. We will accept the alternative hypothesis when our testvalue is bigger than the tabulated one.
In the two allele case we calculate
(PAA - p2)2 (PAa - 2pq)2 (Paa - q2)2
Chi2 = ----------------- + ----------------- + -----------------
p2 2pq q2

The follwing numbers are from Example 1, remark the use of observed and expeted numbers instead of frequencies.
(298 - 294.3)2 (489 - 496.3)2 (213 - 209.3)2
Chi2 = ----------------- + ----------------- + ----------------- = 0.015
294.3 496.3 209.3
The calculated testvalue is smaller than the tabulated chi2 value and we will reject the alternative hypothesis and believe that the MN Blood locus is in HWP proportions.
Possible explanation for deviation of HWP are violations of the assumptions, for example influences of
  • Selection
  • Non-random mating
  • Gene flow
  • etc.
In surveys of natural populations we often find that populations are in HWP. When a population is in HWP we cannot say that there is no selection or non-random mating working.