Genetics 453   J. Felsenstein
Evolutionary Genetics   Winter, 2002


Date Topic Readings
1/7-1/9 History of genetics in evolution Futuyma, Chap. 2
    Ridley: Chap. 1, 2.8
    F&H, 2.7
    Greene, passim (i.e. here and there)
1/11-1/18 Elements of population genetics H&C: 71-95,189-194,211-252,267-292
    Futuyma: 231-245,297-320, Chap. 13
    Ridley: Chaps. 5-6
    F&H: Chaps. 4, 5
    Li & Graur: Chap. 2
1/21 (Martin Luther King Day holiday)  
1/23-1/25 Elements (ditto)
  of population genetics  
1/28-1/30 Quantitative genetics H&C: 38-43,64-66,Chap. 9
    Futuyma: 37-43,245-253,Chap. 14
    Ridley: Chap. 9
    F&H: Chap. 6, especially 6.3 on
1/28-2/1 Kin and species selection, H&C: 256-262
  punctuated equilibrium, etc. Futuyma: Chap. 6, 594-601,687-702
    Ridley: 8.12, 8.13, Chaps. 12, 20
    F&H: 12.5, 16.1, 16.2
2/4-2/6 Molecular variation H&C: 44-47,53-64,174-180
    Lewontin, Chaps. 3 and 5
    Futuyma: 242-244
    Ridley: 145-146
    F&H: 327
    (also material on the Neutral Theory
    in all texts in next block of readings)

2/8 Midterm exam Some or all of the above
2/11-2/15 Molecular evolution Li & Graur, chaps. 3-5
    H&C: Chap. 8
    Ridley: Chaps. 7, 10
    Futuyma: 87-100,118-125,244-245,
       269-271,320-335,Chap. 22, Chap. 11
    F&H: Chaps. 7, 10, (11), 534-538
2/18 (Presidents' Day holiday)  
2/20-3/1 Molecular evolution (continued) same as previous
3/4-3/8 Chromosome evolution H&C: 105
    Futuyma: 286-296
    White: Chaps. 7,8,9,12,(11)
    Stebbins, Chaps. 1,4,5
    F&H: 4.2, 4.3
    Ridley: 2.4, 3.6, 4.5, 16.10
3/11-3/15 Evolution of genetic systems H&C: 180-186
    Futuyma: 283-285, Chap. 21
    F&H: 6.2, Box 16.2
    Ridley: 4.5, 8-9-8.11,11.3,11.5

The final exam will be on Wednesday, March 20, 2:30-4:30 pm in the lecture room.

Abbreviations for authors of books (see the list (on our web pages) of Books on Reserve at OUGL):

H&C: Hartl and Clark (3rd ed.)
F&H: Freeman and Herron

Readings for Graur and Li are for either 1st or 2nd edition. Pages of readings for John Gillespie's book will be provided later when I get ahold of a copy.

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(if you forget this, you can find it through Courses in the Genome Sciences Department site which can be found as a Medical School department from the main UW page.)