Genetics 562

Population Genetics

Spring, 2001

News about the course

The course text has been reproduced and sold to the class. Any course students who missed it, see me.

Description from the UW Course Catalog

GENET 562 Population Genetics
Credits: 4
Quarters: Sp
Instructor: Felsenstein
Course Desc.: Mathematical and experimental approaches to the genetics of natural populations, especially as they relate to evolution. Emphasis on theoretical population genetics. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

What are some other related courses?

Biology 454
The main evolution course at the University, taught yearly by Toby Bradshaw (Biochemistry Department) and Doug Schemske (Botany Department). Both are fine researchers in evolutionary biology. Text in past has been Futuyma's "Evolutionary Biology" or Ridley's "Evolution". This year it was Freeman and Herron's "Evolutionary Analysis". Winter quarter.
Zoology 414
Molecular evolution course by Scott Edwards, who is a very active researcher in that area. Texts have been Li and Graur "Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution" and Avise "Molecular Markers". Winter quarter.
Genetics 570
This is my graduate-level course on Phylogenetic Inference. Methods for inferring phylogenies, and methods for doing things with them. Some background in statistics necessary. It will be given every other Spring (even numbered years).
Statistics/Biostatistics 550-551-552
The core course series for the UW's outstanding Statistical Genetics program. The three courses are:
Statistical Genetics I: Mendelian traits. Offered each Autumn by Elizabeth Thompson, who is a major figure (one can say a major force) in development of statistical genetics methodology.
Statistical Genetics II: Quantitative Traits. Offered each Winter by Stephanie Monks (Biostatistics), a new faculty member.
Statistical Genetics III: Medical Genetics Studies. Offered each Spring by Ellen Wijsman (Medical Genetics and Biostatistics) who is a iwell-known statistical geneticist.
There are more courses and I'll gradually try to put descriptions of them here. Some other faculty members in this area (evolutionary genetics) are Leonid Kruglyak (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), Matthew Stephens (Statistics), Carl Bergstrom (Zoology) and Phil Green (Molecular Biotechnology).

What are some Internet resources on evolutionary biology?

There are many:


Some brief descriptions of some of the major ones covering evolution:
Discussion of systematics, including phylogeny and classification. Most postings are serious discussions by researchers. Some percentage of them are semantic issues or legalistic discussions of taxon names.
Discussion among researchers about molecular evolution. Low volume, high quality.
Tends to be filled with postings by fossil enthusiasts and tends to be dinosaur-centered. Some creation/evolution debating too.
This one exists but is basically defunct.
Moderated by Josh Hayes, formerly of our own Center for Quantitative Sciences, who should get some sort of award for putting up with a lot of nonsense. I think it was intended as a forum for discussion among researchers, but has tended to be filled with postings by others about whether humans are still evolving (answer: yes, but it's extremely slow compared to cultural change) and whether laughter is selectively advantageous. Not intended for evolution/creation debates: Josh screens these out.
The arena for endless debate between creationists and others, with frequent digressions into theology. Extremely high noise to signal ratio. When a decisive point is made, the opponent changes the subject or just refuses to respond.

Web Pages

Where can I get a copy of the genetic simulation program?

The program is freely distributable. It is available from my workstation by anonymous ftp. There you will find source code, documentation and executables for Windows, Macs, and some Unix workstations: To fetch any of these by ftp Click here It will show a page which then allows you to download the program.

this page maintained fitfully by Joe Felsenstein