Genome 562 Population Genetics
Spring, 2003 J. Felsenstein


Date      TopicReading
March 31      Introduction; Hardy-Weinberg proportionsI.1-I.3
April 2      Multiple alleles, difft. sexesI.4, I.6
4      Sex-linkageI.7
7      Linkage and linkage disequilibriumI.8
9      Natural SelectionII.1-II.2
11      " "II.4, II.5
14      Polymorphisms and fitnessII.6-II.8
16      " " "II.9-II.11
18      Kin, group and species selectionII.12
21      MutationIII.1-III.3
23      Maintenance of deleterious mutantsIII.4-III.6
25      Migration, ClinesIV.1-IV.11
28      " "" "
30      Inbreeding in pedigreesV.1-V.5
May 2      Regular systems of matingV.10-V.12, V.14
5      Inbreeding depressionV.13
7      Genetic driftVI.1-VI.4
9      Effective population size (guest lecturer: Mary Kuhner)VI.5-VI.7
12      Neutral mutation theoryVII.1-VII.2
14      Trees of genesX.2
16      Trees of genes II -- the sequel" "
19      Molecular evolutionVII.7, VII.8
21      Drift and other forcesVII.4,VII.5,VII.8,VII.9
23      Drift and other forces" " " "
26      HOLIDAY (Memorial Day; last day of Folk Life Festival)
28      Genetics of quantitative charactersIX.1-IX.5
30      Components of varianceIX.6-IX.9
6/2      Selection response" "
4      Finding QTLs(none)
6      Finding QTLs(none)

Homeworks will be assigned each week, to be turned in the next week.

Exams: none.

Text: Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics, by Joe Felsenstein, publication to be arranged, hopefully about $25

The text is also available as a PDF that can be downloaded:
from this link

Course web page: