All-WWAMI Academic Retreat for Education
June 3-4th, 2012


Curriculum Vision and Values
Ellen Cosgrove, MD
Session Presentation Slides
Video of Dr Cosgrove's presentation

Strategies for Success in Building Active Learning Into the Large Class Setting
Scott Freeman, PhD
Session Presentation Slides
Video of Dr Freeman's presentation

Using Clickers to Maximize & Measure Student Learning
Jennifer Knight, PhD
Session Presentation Slides
Video of Dr Knight's presentation
Active Learning in Large-Enrollment Courses
Scott Freeman
Workshop Slides

Clicker Questions That Are Worthwhile: Designing & Using Questions to Maximize Their Value
Jennifer Knight, PhD
Peer Discussion
Questions Handout
Sample Question Evaluations

Clinical Reasoning: Unleashing the Sherlock Holmes in our Students From the Start
George Novan, MD
Workshop Materials

Competencies Across the Continuum
Suzanne Allen, MD
Workshop Materials

CQI in the Educational Enterprise
Doug Schaad, PhD
Workshop Slides

Generalizable Principles of Team-Based Learning
Craig Scott & Abe DeSantis
Scott Freeman TBL materials
Workshop Slides

The Impact of Images Used in Lectures: From Stereotype to Inclusion
David Acosta, MD
The Five Es Model
Medical Images Lecture handout

Medical Student Career Advising
Mark Wicks, PhD & Doug Schaad, PhD
Mark Wicks' Powerpoint Materials
Career Decision Making
Post-Graduate Follow-up

Mindful MedEd: Minimizing Stress
Craig Scott, PhD
Powerpoint presentation

One-Minute Preceptor
Linda Vorvick & Amee Naidu
Why Medical Educators May be Failing
Educational Strategies to Promote Reasoning
Feedback and Reflection
Diagnostic Errors
A Complementary Approach to Professionalism
Time-efficient Strategies
One-Minute Preceptor Overview
Post-test Questions

Ongoing Feedback Throughout a Clerkship
Doug Paauw, MD et al
Workshop Slides

Preparing Our Students for USMLE
James Cheek, PhD
Workshop Slides

Selecting, Administering and Interpreting National Board-Constructed Exams
Jan Carline, PhD
CAS Information Guide

Service Learning: Exploring Models for Community Engagement in Medical Education
Rick Arnold, MD et al
Henrickson Workshop Slides
Vaughn Workshop Slides

Teaching and Learning Methods: An Interactive Workshop
Lynne Robbins, PhD
Madness To Methods Instructions
Exercise Instructions
Instruction Guide
Objective Cards
Objective Writing Form
Score Sheet

Technologies to Support Active Learning in and Out of the Classroom
Michael Campion & Jason Reep
Link to workshop resources
Workshop Slides
ARS Rules of Engagement

Treating the Content Coverage Syndrome: Preparing Students for Active Learning in Large Classes
Scott Freeman, PhD
Workshop Slides

Unconscious (Implicit) Bias: Does it Impact the Way We Teach and Develop Curriculum?
David Acosta & Janice Sabin
Janice Sabin Materials
David Acosta Materials

What Do You Want Them To Learn: Aligning Learning Goals & Assessment
Jennifer Knight, PhD
Workshop Slides
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

What Would You Do? Cultural Bumps and Their Impact on the Learning Environment
Victoria Gardner, PhD
Workshop Materials

When Stress Becomes Crisis: Recognizing Warning Signs
Joanne Estacio-Deckard

Writing Letters of Recommendation for Medical Students
Carol Teitz, MD
Powerpoint presentation
Sample Letters of Recommendation
More Workshop Materials


Contact Eric Tobiason
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