Gaining and Growing: Assuring Nutritional Care of Preterm Infants in the Community


Formula Choice with Apparent Formula Intolerance

If the infant has growth failure:

Does intake appear adequate?

(See Below)

No (Go to Decision trees on Growth Problems and Formula Concentration).

Is there recent history of increased losses through vomiting and/or diarrhea?

(See Below)

If No, intake is not adequate to meet needs. See section on Nutrition Assessment.

Was formula previously well tolerated?

This may be a temporary problem due to illness. Do not change formula.


Has there been a recent change of volume or timing of feedings?

Yes (question 1): Infant may not be able to tolerate changes. (Please see file on Enteral Feeding for information about effects of timing and volume).


Has there been a recent change of medication?

Yes (question 2): Assess effect of medication on GI function.


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Page reviewed: April 1, 2015