Testing Pictures

Pictures from the pre-flight training and testing for the GYRE flyers as well as from the Test Readiness Review (TRR) for the GYRE robot. Click on any of the images to see a larger version and to browse the gallery.

jsc2003e50446.jpg (57,738 bytes) jsc2003e50442.jpg (57,253 bytes) jsc2003e50427.jpg (67,485 bytes) jsc2003e50432.jpg (62,798 bytes) jsc2003e50438.jpg (60,995 bytes)
jsc2003e50429.jpg (71,971 bytes) jsc2003e50444.jpg (59,005 bytes) jsc2003e49747.jpg (96,482 bytes) jsc2003e49748.jpg (88,466 bytes)  



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The URL for this page is http://depts.washington.edu/gyre/gallery/testing/index.html

Last updated: August 5, 2003

Email the GYRE team at gyre@u.washington.edu