Potential Weight Savings and Losses

Weight-loss Potentials

  • Li+ batteries [~4lb]
  • Aluminum thrusters [~1lb]
  • Plumbing quick-disconnects [~1lb
  • Thruster brackets [50% of existing]
  • Replace thruster nuts with jam nuts
  • Lightening holes in all aluminum angle stock to FEA-approved limits
  • Plastic tubing and QDs
  • USB 802.11
  • Smaller camera casings
  • Aluminum fastners
  • Remove handles
  • Thruster valves?

Weight-gain Potentials

  • Circuit breakers to replace fusebox
  • SBCs and enclosures
  • Emergency cut-off switch, receivers, and valves
  • Power distribution hardware


related links video pictures outreach useful links problems power budget per part info things to do proposal

The URL for this page is http://depts.washington.edu/gyre/index.html

Last updated: February 21, 2002

Email the GYRE team at gyre@u.washington.edu