What is HPV?
Female Volunteers Needed:

Free confidential at-home HPV testing

The University of Washington HPV Research Group is looking for female volunteers aged 18 to 24 to participate in a study of HPV infections in women. Volunteers will be asked to collect vaginal samples at home for HPV testing and to complete a questionnaire. NO PAP TESTS OR IN-PERSON VISITS.

You will receive the results of your HPV tests and $20 compensation.

This is a unique opportunity for type-specific HPV testing, including individual types of HPV that are not detectable by currently available commercial tests.

Who is eligible to particpate?

Volunteers must:

*be female

*be between the ages of 18 and 24

*be in general good health

*have had sex with men

*have used the internet to search for romantic partners in the past year (e.g. posted to or responded to an ad on an internet dating website or social networking website)

Who is NOT eligible to participate?

Volunteers must NOT:

*be pregnant or breastfeeding

*have had a hysterectomy

How do I get more information or enroll?

For more information, or to enroll, call 206-543-3327 or 1-866-820-7833 (toll free) or email hhhstudy@u.washington.edu.

The confidentiality of email correspondence cannot be guaranteed.