Pan-Hispanic Ballad Project

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Bibliography of the Pan-Hispanic Ballad                
A Database of Publications in the Field                                

This is the home of the Pan-Hispanic Ballad Bibliography. The MySQL database accessed through this site stores all the bibliographic data contained in the Bibliografía del Romancero Oral, 1 (BRO,1, 1982) and in the four bibliographies published by Samuel G. Armistead (1979, 1983, 1984, and 1988), as well as new and previously overlooked references to publications dealing with the old and the modern romancero tradition and related genres. In addition to a unique, permanent record number (Record #), all citations in the database are cross-referenced to other common source-bibliographies (Other Reference #) whose original record numbers are maintained together with the following abbreviations: BRO1 (Bibliografía del romancero oral 1), SA79, SA83, SA84, SA88 (Armistead's four bibliographies), CF87 (that of Costa Fontes), AG93 (of Aurelio González), and SP93, SP97, SP99, SP00, SP02 SP03 (mine). Publ. Acronym refers to the unique key phrase used to identify each publication elsewhere on this site (as in the descriptive headers for all versions stored in the online ballad text archive. All citations have been expanded and enriched with additional fields of information that permit users to delimit their searches in ways most useful to their individual research interests (by restricting searches to specific genres, linguistic domains, geographic areas, ballads, etc.)

The capabilities and flexibility of the online searches and of the results they return will steadily improve over time. The rate at which this goal is achieved will depend largely on the extent to which students and scholars of Hispanic Balladry become involved in the project. Without the collaboration of colleagues in the field, I can not hope to keep abreast of the ever-increasing number of publications in our field. For this reason I have included as one of the first online capabilities a Submission Form which will allow anyone who peruses this site to send me the basic bibliographic data for any new publication that comes to his or her attention (especially one’s own publications). An important secondary use of form is as a vehicle for submitting an updated version of a citation that already appears in the bibliography, but for which the appropriate data in one or more fields is missing or incorrect. Clearly, the usefulness and reliability of the bibliography will increase as it becomes truly exhaustive in all fields of information.

Currently, the Pan-Hispanic Ballad Bibliography, consisting of published books, journal articles, essays, dissertations, and musical recordings, may be searched by the criteria listed above (upper left); that is, by author, ballad title, date of publication (or range of years), as well as by geographic areas relevant to the modern tradition, by (sub)genre, by record number, or by the alpha-numeric key used to identify citations in other published bibliographies on the modern oral Romancero.