Pan-Hispanic Ballad Bibliographic Database

Sample New Entry Submission Form for
Modern Reedition of a Work by a Known Author (R)

Your name:       E-mail address:

Please fill in information below as known or appropriate to the publication type. Minimally, author, article and/or title, and date are required.

Ballad Genre(s) addressed (check all that apply):

R. oral mod. R. viejo R. vulgar
R. nuevo Canc. lír épica
Balada europea Other(s):

Geographic Origin of the material under discussion (check all that apply):
Linguistic domain:

Castellano Catalán Portugués
Gallego Jud.-esp. Vasco

Country:     Province or state:

Original Author(s):
Last Name:     First Name:

Modern Editor(s):
1. Last name:     First name:     Role: ed.

2. Last name:     First name:

3. Last name:     First name:


1. Last name:     First name:     Role:

2. Last name:     First name:

3. Last name:     First name:

Title of Book:

Num. of Volumes: Vol. #: Edition (1st, 2nd, etc.):

Place of publication:


Date:(Please use YYYY)       Length (num. of pages):       ISBN:

Ballad text material included in this work (check all that apply):

texts no texts text fragments
text(s) in facsimile edition mod. reedition of 16th-17th c. text(s) text incipit
popularized edition musical transcription(s) musical recording(s)

List of ballad title(s): (include meter if possible; separate titles by "/" )



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