Workshop on Information Structure in Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2011)

Call for papers

Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to information structure and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics.

The aim of the workshop is to further current research on information structure within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of information structure and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit.

Invited Speaker

Mats Rooth (Cornell University)

Workshop Format

There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature.

Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead.

Related Events

The workshop on Information Structure in Formal Grammar is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Seattle, WA on 24-25 August 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials on 22 August, given by Nicholas Asher (Toulouse) and Johanna Nichols (Berkeley).


We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via:

Abstracts should be in PDF format.

Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair:

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline (extended): 10 April 2011 17 April 2011
Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011
Conference: 23 August 2011


The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings.

A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at:

The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2011.

Program Committee

Felix Bildhauer
Daniel Büring
Berthold Crysmann (chair)
Kordula De Kuthy
Elisabet Engdahl
Claire Gardent
Jonathan Ginzburg
Tracy Holloway King
Manfred Krifka
Jean-Marie Marandin
Laura Michaelis
Stefan Müller
Irina Nikolaeva
Patrizia Paggio
Arndt Riester
Mats Rooth
Mark Steedman
Malte Zimmermann

Conference Web Site

Local Arrangements Chair

Emily M. Bender

University of Washington Department of Linguistics, Box 354340 Seattle, WA 98195-4340    Phone: (206) 543-2046    Email: