Marie Perez

Critical What?! – Teaching media literacy to youth filmmakers

For her practicum, HSPop MPH student Marie Antoinette Perez worked as a research instructor on a documentary film project. Her contribution involved creating lesson plans and giving a series of presentations to the youth filmmakers that covered media literacy and basic research methods.

  • Nicole Stankovic

    Stankovic combines passions for music and public health in her research

    Upon beginning the Master of Public Health program at UW, Stankovic realized how she could combine two disparate passions for music in public health with pre-med and arts degrees.


  • Brayden McLaughlin

    Brayden McLaughlin wins Best Presenter Award at case competition

    In early April, the University of Washington’s Master of Health Administration (MHA) program sent a group of students, along with faculty advisor Penny Edlund, to The Ohio State University’s First-Year Health Administration Case Competition. Brayden McLaughlin received the Best Speaker Award for his presentation and leadership skills.


  • RWICA Group of participants in soap training

    Rural Water Initiative for Climate Action improves water access and equity in Uganda

    Laura C. Streichert (COPHP MPH ‘05) partnered to start a nonprofit to address water access and equity in rural Uganda.


HSEED Award and Student Funding

The Health Systems Excellence, Equity, and Distinction (HSEED) Award honors students and helps increase diversity in the field of public health. The HSEED Award is presented annually to students in our degree programs.