Canada: Societies and Organizations 

Country Name Contact, First Name Contact,
Last Name
E-mail Address, Line 1 Address, Line 2 City Province Postal Code
canada The John Austin Society, Queen's University  Dr. R. Hobbs
CANADA Manitoba Society for the History of Medicine Dr. Peter Warren
CANADA Canadian Association for the History of Nursing Secretary 90 Barrie St. Kingston Ontario K7L 3N6
CANADA Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (Societe canadienne d’historie et philosophie des sciences Alison Li Dept. of Science and Tech, 67 Westholme Ave Atkinson College, York University Toronto Ontario M3J IP3
CANADA Canadian Academy of the History of Pharmacy Wayne Hindmarsh Faculty of Pharmacy, Univ. of Toronto 19 Russell St. Toronto Ontario M5S 2S2
CANADA Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics Robert Thomas Dept. of Mathematics University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
CANADA Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association (Assocation pour l’histoire de la science et de la technolgoie au Canada) Philip Enros 758 Holt Cres Ottawa Ontario KIG 2Y7
CANADA Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (La Societe Canadienne D’Histoire de la Medecine Paul Potter

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