United Kingdom: Journals

Country Title Editor Email Publishing Body
United Kingdom Agricultural History Review R W Hoyle BAHS@Exeter.ac.uk British Agricultural History Society
United Kingdom Ambix Dr. G K Roberts Black Bear Press Ltd.
United Kingdom Annals of Science: a review of the history of science since the thirteenth century Trevor Levere Taylor & Francis Group
United Kingdom Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: a historical journal Dr. B Musallam, R Rashed information@cup.cam.ac.uk Cambridge University Press
United Kingdom Archaeoastronomy Michael Hoskin journals@shpltd.co.uk Science History Publications Ltd.
United Kingdom Archives of Natural History Dr. C Nelson Society for the History of Natural History
United Kingdom British Journal for the History of Science Janet Browne, Crosbie Smith Cambridge University Press
United Kingdom British Museum (Natural History) Bulletin British Museum (Natural History)
United Kingdom Current Work in the History of Medicine: an international bibliography Professional & Scientific Publications
United Kingdom Guide to History of Science Courses in Britain Janet Browne bshs@hidex.demon.co.uk British Society for the History of Science
United Kingdom History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences Bernardino Fantini Taylor & Francis Group
United Kingdom History of Medicine Dr. Harold Maxwell History of Medicine Ltd.
United Kingdom History of Psychiatry Alpha Academic
United Kingdom History of Science: review of literature and research R S Porter journals@shpltd.co.uk Science History Publications Ltd.
United Kingdom History of Technology G Hollister Short cassellacad@msn.com Mansell Publishing Ltd.
United Kingdom History of the Human Sciences Irving Velody, James Good Sage Publications Ltd.
United Kingdom Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Proceedings Joyce Warham Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society
United Kingdom Journal for the History of Astronomy M A Hoskin journals@shpltd.co.uk Science History Publications Ltd.
United Kingdom Journal of the History of Collections Oliver Impey, Arthur MacGregor jnl.info@oup.co.uk Oxford University Press, Academic Division
United Kingdom Knowledge and Society: studies in the sociology of culture past and present Shirley Gorenstein Elsevier Science
United Kingdom Medical History: devoted to the history and bibliography of medicine and the related sciences W F Bynum, V Nutton Professional & Scientific Publications
United Kingdom Metascience: an international review journal for the history, philosophy and social studies of science Nicolas Rasmussen jnlinfo@blackwellpublishers.co.uk Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
United Kingdom Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology. Transactions L R Day bhomas@newcomen.com Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology
United Kingdom Pharmaceutical Historian Dr. J G L Burnby British Society for the History of Pharmacy
United Kingdom Psychoanalysis and History Andrea Sabbadini 101364.2334@compuserve.com Artesian Books Ltd.
United Kingdom Routledge Studies in the History of Economics info.journals@routledge.com Routledge
United Kingdom Royal Society of London. Notes and Records Sir Alan Cook Royal Society of London
United Kingdom Science as Culture Robert M Young enquiries@carfax.co.uk Carfax Publishing Limited
United Kingdom Science in Context G Freudenthal, J Renn, Leo Corry, Alexandre Metraux information@cup.cam.ac.uk Cambridge University Press
United Kingdom Social History of Medicine Helen King, David Cantor, Hilary Marland jnl.info@oup.co.uk Oxford University Press, Academic Division
United Kingdom Social Studies of Science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology David Edge Sage Publications Ltd.
United Kingdom Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A Nicholas Jardine, Marina Frasca-Spada Pergamon
United Kingdom Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics Pergamon
United Kingdom Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Earth Sciences Tristan Palmer athlonepress@btinternet.com Athlone Press Ltd.
United Kingdom Technology in Society: an international journal George Bugliarello, A George Schillinger Pergamon
United Kingdom The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Peter Clark Oxford University Press, Academic Division
United Kingdom The Golden Age of Midlands Steam Railways Terry Wardle Heritage Newspapers Ltd.
United Kingdom Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine. Research Publications Margaret Pelling wuhmo@wuhmo.ox.ac.uk Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine
United Kingdom Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Willem D. Hackmann willem.hackmann@mhs.ox.ac.uk

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