HSS Newsletter Policies and Advertising Rates

The History of Science Society Newsletter is published in January, April, July, and October, and sent to all individual members of the Society; those who reside outside of North America pay an additional $5 annually to cover a portion of airmail charges. The Newsletter is available to nonmembers and institutions for $25 a year. The Newsletter is edited and desktop published in the Executive Office on an Apple Power Macintosh system using Microsoft Word and Adobe PageMaker. The format and editorial policies are determined by the Executive Director in consultation with the Committee on Publications. All advertising copy must be submitted camera-ready.

Advertisements are accepted on a space-available basis only, and the Society reserves the right not to accept a submission.

The rates are as follows:

Full page (9 x 7.5"), $350;

Half page (4.5 x 7.5"),$200;

Quarter page (3 x 5"), $100.

The deadline for insertion orders and camera-ready copy is six weeks prior to the month of publication (e. g., November 15 for the January Newsletter) and should be sent to the attention of the HSS Executive Office at the above address. HSS recommends that all camera-ready ads be sent via overnight or 2-day mail to the physical address above. The deadline for news, announcements, and job/fellowship/prize listings is firm: The first of the month prior to the month of publication. Long items (feature stories) should be submitted six weeks prior to the month of publication as email file attachments or on a 3.5" disk (along with a hard copy).

Please send all material to the attention of Gail Alexander at the HSS address below (email or disk appreciated).

History of Science Society Executive Office
University of Washington
Box 351330
Seattle, Washington 98195-1330
Phone: 206-543-9366
Fax: 206-685-9544
Email: hssexec@u.washington.edu
Web site: http://depts.washington.edu/hssexec/

Physical address(Fed-Ex, UPS):

History of Science Society
Johnson Hall, Room 236
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195-1330








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