HSS 2000, Vancouver, B.C., 2-5 November

Committee Meetings Schedule

Hotel Reservations

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Preliminary Program


About Vancouver

Vancouver Dining Guide

Exhibitor's Guide





Need a Session?

This page is provided as a service for those interested in creating a session proposal and want to locate others working with similar themes. If you would like to organize a session, you are invited to submit a short description of your interests to hssexec@u.washington.edu and we will post your name, e-mail address, and description so other interested individuals may contact you directly.

The following people have expressed interest in forming a session proposal. Please contact these individuals directly.

Roy MacLeod, roy.macleod@history.usyd.edu.au writes:
I would like to organize a session at Vancouver devoted to "Nature's Empires: Museums and the Cultivation of Knowledge of the Pacific" - the session to be run in conjunction with the Pacific Circle (a scientific section of the IUHPS), and in association with the Anthropological Museum of the University of British Columbia. Papers are invited on any relevant topic, including, for example: the history of European exploration, field work, and collection; the 'museum idea' in the Pacific islands; museums, gender and social control; natural knowledge and post-colonial discourse in the museums of the Pacific. Presentations will be limited to 25 minutes. There are plans for publication in a special issue of a relevant journal.

Charles Brotman, cmbrotman@yahoo.com writes:

I am a doctoral candidate in history at the University of Rochester. I am interested in organizing a panel of scholars from different disciplines to consider the relationship between scientific theorizing and musical practices in various historical contexts.

The HSS Executive Office provides this web-page as a service to those interesting in submitting a session proposal but the responsibility of arranging a session and submitting all necessary materials prior to the deadline rests solely on paper and session proposers.

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