The Mellon Fellowship Program

for Dissertation Research

in Original Sources

The Council on Library and Information Services (CLIR) is pleased to offer fellowships funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. The purposes of this new fellowship program are toŃ help doctoral candidates who may otherwise not have opportunities or encouragement to work in original source materials in the humanities, help doctoral candidates in many humanities fields deepen their ability to develop knowledge from original sources, enable doctoral candidates to prepare dissertations on what seems to them and their faculty advisors most worthwhile by going where the relevant sources are rather than where financial support may happen to be available, provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed most helpfully in the future.

The Fellowships

The program offers ten competitively awarded fellowships. Each provides a stipend of $1,600 per month for up to 12 months. Each fellow will receive an additional $800 upon participating in a symposium on research in original sources and submitting an acceptable report to CLIR on the research experience. Thus the maximum award will be $20,000. Fellowship stipends will support research beginning between June 1, 2002 and September 1, 2002. Fellowships will not be renewable or extendable. Fellows are expected to devote full time to their dissertation research without undertaking paid work. Fellows may not use stipends to defray tuition costs.


Complete applications must be sent to CLIR and be postmarked by December 1, 2001, or, if mailed from outside the U.S., by November 15, 2001. Applicants selected will be announced by April 1, 2002.

Fellowship tenure will begin between June 1, 2002, and September 1, 2002.

For further information regarding details, eligibility, and application forms, please visit CLIR's Web site, or by--

phone (202) 939-4750
fax (2020) 939-4765
email (


Mellon Fellowships
Council on Library and Information Resources
1755 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036

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