Post-Doctoral Fellowship

History of Cancer

Manchester University

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow in (or around) history of medicine ( or PhD expected soon) to take part in a projected programme on the history of cancer in the later 20th century. The application will be made in August 2001 and if successful the programme will begin in early 2002; the fellow wld probably begin work sometime in 2002, for three years.

We are interested in the historical framings of different cancers -- through diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, but also through epidemiology, public education etc. The fellow will work chiefly on British material, including the rich Manchester Archives, but the programme is intended to be in part comparative and we have close links with historians of cancer in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the the USA

. If you are interested in being part of this programme, and helping determine its shape, please send a letter and a full cv, plus the names of three referees ( and any samples of work), as soon as convenient, to John Pickstone at the address below. Email preferred. (

John V. Pickstone,
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine and Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine,
Mathematics Tower,
University of Manchester,

email: (
Tel 44 (0)-161-275-5926/5850;
Fax (0)-161-275-5699

For details of the department/Unit and the research interests of staff, see our web-site

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