Ph.D. Fellowship

History of the Health of Textile Workers

Manchester University

In association with CHSTM/Wellcome Unit , the History dept is offering a funded PhD ( 3 years) in the History of the Health of Textile Workers. The intention is to focus on 19c Lancashire, but other definitions, including comparative studies may be possible. If you are interested and well-trained in history, preferably to Masters level, apply as fo

. If you are interested in being part of this programme, please send a letter and a full cv, plus the names of three referees ( and any samples of work), as soon as convenient, to John Pickstone at the address below. Email preferred. (

John V. Pickstone,
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine and Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine,
Mathematics Tower,
University of Manchester,

email: (
Tel 44 (0)-161-275-5926/5850;
Fax (0)-161-275-5699

For details of the department/Unit and the research interests of staff, see our web-site

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