Lorenz Krüger Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin announces the Lorenz Krüger Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2001/02 for an outstanding junior scholar whose current research combines perspectives from the history of science with those of the philosophy of science and/or the history of philosophy. The fellowship is named in honor of the late Professor Lorenz Krüger, of the University of Göttingen, whose work sought to connect philosophy with the history of science. The Lorenz Krüger Fellowship is awarded for a one year stay at the Institute in Berlin, beginning 1 October, 2001.

The fellowship is open to scholars of all nationalities who have completed their Ph.D. no earlier than 1996 and no later than September 2001. The stipend for applicants from abroad is 3600 DM per month. Women are encouraged to apply. Qualifications being equal, precedence will be given to candidates with disabilities. Applicants for both fellowships are invited to send a curriculum vitae, a brief research proposal (maximum 1000 words), and two letters of recommendation by 30 June, 2001 to:

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Administration
"Lorenz Krüger Fellowship"
Wilhelmstraße 44
10117 Berlin


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