2001 Nicholas Mullins Award of the

Society for Social Studies of Science

[Please note the extended deadline for submissions: August 31, 2001]

The Nicholas Mullins Award is awarded each year by the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) for an outstanding piece of scholarship by a graduate student in the general field of Science and Technology Studies. The prize consists of a cheque for $US 500, a certificate and travel expenses for this year's Annual Meeting of 4S.

The competition is for graduate student papers, which must be submitted in English, based on all types of scholarly products in the field of science and technology studies: unpublished papers, published articles, dissertation chapters. It is recommended that dissertation chapters be adapted so as to make them "stand-alone." The work may not be older than two years at the time of submission. The intended readership for the papers is a general STS audience, rather than a specialized disciplinary readership. A graduate student can only make one submission a year.

The length of a paper should not exceed 10,000 words -- including notes and references. According to the rules, longer papers will be "punished" in the evaluation procedure, i.e., they do not have to be read in their totality. They should be typed double-spaced. Six (6) copies should be sent to the chair of the Nicholas Mullins Award Jury (see address below), but for students for whom this would be a financial hardship two (2) copies would be acceptable. Initial submission to the Chair of the jury as an electronic email attachment, preferably in Word format, is encouraged.

The name and address of the author and the name and address of the author's institution should be on a separate sheet (or file), so that these can be detached from the distributed copies.

Deadline for submitting contributions is August 31, 2001. Papers received after that date will be considered for next year's contest.

The evaluation is executed blindly by a jury of STS scholars. The winner will be announced at the Banquet at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the 4S (Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1-4). Winners are expected to attend this meeting.

For further information, please contact the chair of the jury:

Malcolm Ashmore
Department of Social Sciences
Loughborough University
Loughborough LE11 3TU UK
email: M.T.Ashmore@lboro.ac.uk


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