The History of the Cold War Era

Support for Research at the


The Rockefeller Archive Center, a division of The Rockefeller University, will continue its special program of grants-in-aid for the year 2002 in the History of the Cold War Era. In addition to its other grants, the Center will award grants of up to $2500 for residents of the United States and Canada, and up to $3000 for residents of other nations, for travel to the Center to conduct research in its collections in this field. Scholarly researchers may apply; students preparing doctoral dissertations are particularly urged to consider this program.

Applications are invited for research on the background of the Cold War, the development of Cold War policy and strategy, and the cultural and intellectual context of the Cold War, as documented in the records maintained at the Archive Center. Relevant collections include the archives of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Population Council, the Social Science Research Council, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, especially the files of the Fund's Special Studies Project. The archives of the Rockefeller family are also pertinent, including especially the papers of Nelson A. Rockefeller (1908-1979), the papers of John D. Rockefeller 3rd (1906-1978), and the records of the Office of the Messrs. Rockefeller, which document the philanthropy of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960).

Potential subjects include, but are not limited to, the funding of communications studies; promotion of studies of the strategic position of the United States at the mid-twentieth century; the development of the Foreign Policy Association; a variety of specific grants made in the post-World War II period for studies of American foreign policy and civil society; the end of colonialism; and Nelson Rockefeller's and John D. Rockefeller 3rd's governmental and personal activities in Latin American and Asia.

The deadline for all grant applications is November 30, 2001; grant recipients will be announced in March 2002. Inquiries about the programs and requests for applications should be addressed to:

Darwin H. Stapleton, Director
Rockefeller Archive Center,
15 Dayton Avenue, Pocantico Hills,
Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591-1598, USA
Telephone:(914) 631-4505 FAX:(914) 631-6017

The grant application and a guide to the Rockefeller Archive Center's collections can be found on the World Wide Web at:

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