Paul Ehrlich Collection
at the Rockefeller Archive Center


The Rockefeller Archive Center is pleased to announce that through a generous gift it now has available funds to support short-term research in the Paul Ehrlich Collection. The Ehrlich Collection is the largest and most important body of original and facsimile materials documenting the life and scientific-medical research program of Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915). Certain documents are available in English translations. Prospective applicants are urged to contact the director of the Archive Center with an initial description of the applicantŐs research, so that Archive Center staff can help determine the extent of related materials.

Applicants will use the forms, adhere to funding limits, and follow the procedures of the CenterŐs general grant-in-aid program. However, applications may be made at any time and, if judged worthy, awards will be made within a month of the receipt of applications.

Please call or write the Center, or go to the CenterŐs web site for further information and application materials.

Darwin H. Stapleton, Director
Rockefeller Archive Center
15 Dayton Avenue
Pocantico Hills
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591-1598
Telephone: (914) 631-4505 Fax: (914) 631-6017


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