The History of Basic Medical Research

Support for Research at the


The Rockefeller Archive Center of The Rockefeller University will continue a five-year program of residencies for research at the Center on topics related to the history of basic medical research, a subject richly represented in the archival collections at the Center.

The history of basic medical research will be broadly defined to include most aspects of the history of the Rockefeller University (founded as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901), much of the history of the international medical, public health, and scientific research programs of the Rockefeller Foundation, and major elements of the histories of the Commonwealth Fund, Culpeper Foundation, Markey Trust, and Markle Foundation. Certain segments of the Rockefeller family archives also document the history of basic medical research, such as the founding and support of research institutions. As a group, the archives of these institutions constitute one of the outstanding resources for the study of the history of basic medical research in the 20th century.

Scholars conducting substantial research in any aspect of the history of basic medical research are urged to apply. Prospective researchers may apply for residencies of one month, one semester (4 2 months), or an academic year (9 months). Stipends at the rate of $5000 per month will be awarded to cover all travel, food and lodging, and research expenses associated with the residency.

Applications will be reviewed in a competitive process, and it is expected that a total of 2-6 awards will be made in each year during the five-year program. The deadline for applications for the year 2002 awards (to be announced in March 2002) is November 30, 2001.

Application for the residencies will be made by completing a brief form* and by describing the research to be undertaken. Three letters of reference will be requested. Prospective applicants are urged to contact the Center prior to applying to determine the type and extent of records that will be useful for their research. Information about the Rockefeller Archive Center and its collections is available at, or you may contact the Center to ask for information.

Darwin H. Stapleton, Director
Rockefeller Archive Center,
15 Dayton Avenue, Pocantico Hills,
Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591-1598, USA
Telephone:(914) 631-4505 FAX:(914) 631-6017

*NOTE: The general RAC research grant application cannot be used for this program. Please request a specific application for a residency in the History of Basic Medical Research.

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