2002 Fellowships in the Humanities

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities: 2-year humanities postdocs - common application for 20 positions.

2002-2004 Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities - 20 two-year positions available in diverse institutions across the United States. For new humanities PhDs. Focus on teaching, interdisciplinary environments, mentoring. Minimum salary $30K, plus benefits, research and travel grants, other perqs.

For complete details on each position and electronic application and instructions, see the website at http://www.woodrow.org/academic_postdocs/. Apply for multiple positions with one common application. U.S. citizens from U.S. or Canadian graduate programs only.

Deadline: November 8, 2001.

Contact: Program Coordinator at stevens@woodrow.org or 1-800-899-9963 x149.

Teresa Stevens
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
CN 5281
Princeton, NJ 08543-5281

(800) 899-9963 ext 149
Website: http://www.woodrow.org/academic_postdocs/

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