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Auburn University (Technology and Civilization Program), Department of History, 310 Thach Hall, Auburn, AL 36849. Voice 334-844-4360; fax 334-844-6673.; MA and PhD. Special, but not exclusive, interests in aerospace history, industrialization and military technology. Special library strengths in history of aviation and aeronautics. Approximately 10 students in 1990. Regular faculty and professional staff: W. David Lewis (Contact person) (Technology; social and intellectual history); Guy V. Beckwith (History of technology; philosophy; utopianism); Lindy Biggs (history of technology); James R. Hansen (History of science and technology); William F. Trimble (History of technology; military history). Associated faculty and professional staff: Robert J. Jakeman, Stephen McFarland [1996].


University of California--Berkeley (Department of History [instructional program]; Office of Science and Technology [research unit]), 543 Stephens Hall #2350, Berkeley, CA 94720-2350. Voice 510-642-4581; fax 510-643-5321; E-mail MA and PhD. Modern physical and biological sciences including social and institutional relations. Archive for History of Quantum Physics; Archives and oral histories of 20th century scientists; Boscovich and Laplace MSS; journal collection; Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences. 18 students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Roger Hahn (Head of program) (History) (Science in Western Civilization since 1450); John L. Heilbron (History) (American intellectual history); John E. Lesch (History) (Biology, sciences related to medicine, 18-20c);). Associated faculty and professional staff: Adele E. Clarke, Lawrence Cohen, Claude S. Fischer; Ernest Hook; David J.M. Hooson, Martin Jones, Todd R. Laporte, Thomas Laqueur, Elizabeth Lloyd, Carolyn Merchant, Jack D. Pressman, Paul M. Rabinow, Guenter B. Risse, Harry N. Scheiber, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Barbara Shapiro, David Stern, David R. Stoddart [1996].

University of California--Davis (Program in History and Philosophy of Science), Davis, CA 95616-8673. Voice 916-752-9621; fax 916-752-6363; E-mail MA and PhD in history or philosophy. Philosophy of biology, philosophy of physical sciences, philosophy of mathematics; history of science (European and American), history of modern biology; history of veterinary medicine. Agricultural History Center, Center for Population Biology, Humanities Institute. No students within program; all students reside within history and philosophy departments. Regular faculty and professional staff: Paul Teller (Director) (Philosophy) (Philosophy of physics); Joan Cadden (History of medieval science); Michael R. Dietrich (Philosophy; History and Philosophy of Science) (History and philosophy of biology); James R. Griesemer (Philosophy) (History and philosophy of evolutionary biology, genetics, ecology, systematics); Deborah Harkness (History) (History of early modern science); Michael Smith (History) (History of technology; America in the nuclear age). Associated faculty and professional staff: Kevin Hoover, Catherine Kudlick, Jay Mechling, Benjamin Orlove, John Stanfield [1997].

University of California--Los Angeles (Department of History and Center for Cultural Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine), Los Angeles, CA 90095-1473. Voice 310-825-4601; fax 310-206-9630; E-mail: PhD. History of science, technology and medicine. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library; Huntington Library; Biomedical Library; Special collections at University Research Library; Getty Museum. Ca. 10 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Joel Braslow (American psychiatry); Brian Copenhaver (Renaissance science); Ben Elman (Chinese science); Robert G. Frank, Jr. (Biological and medical sciences); Theodore M. Porter (Nineteenth-century physical science); Peter Reill (Enlightenment biology and historicism); Mary Terrall (eighteenth-century science); Sharon Traweek (Ethnography; contemporary science); Jessica Wang (Modern US science); Dora B. Weiner (Medicine and psychiatry). Associated faculty and professional staff: Peter Baldwin (Public health); Carlo Ginzburg (Renaissance); Sandra Harding (Philosophy of science); Katherine Hayles (Literature and science); Marcia Meldrum (Medicine); Debora Silverman (Art and science); Brett Steele (Technology); Henry Yu (US social sciences) [1997].

University of California--San Diego (Science Studies Program), 9500 Gilman Drive, Science Studies #0104, La Jolla, CA 92093-0104. Voice 619-534-0491; fax 619-534-3388; E-mail MA and PhD. Interdisciplinary investigations in science studies, esp integration of the perspectives of history, philosophy, and sociology of science. Resources of Scripps Institute of Oceanography, special collections in UCSD libraries, Zinner Collection in history of astronomy at San Diego State University, and resources in Los Angeles area nearby, especially the Henry E. Huntington Library and the William Andrews Clark Library. 25 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Gerald D. Doppelt (Program Director) (Philosophy) (Epistemology; philosophy of science, especially scientific rationality and change; the interrelationship of philosophy, history, and sociology of science; critical theory of science and technology); Paul M. Churchland (Philosophy) (Philosophy of science; epistemology; philosophy of neuroscience; philosophy of mind; cognitive neuroscience); Steven Epstein (Sociology) (Biomedicine; AIDS; science and social movements; science, democracy, and expertise,; credibility struggles in sicence); Philip S. Kitcher (Coordinator) (Philosophy) (Growth of scientific knowledge; scientific explanation; history and philosophy of biology; history and philosophy of mathematics; philosophy of social sciences); Martha Lampland (Sociology) (The impact of scientific thinking on social practices and knowledges; European cultural history; social theory; feminist theory; political economy; modernity, rationality, scientific management; ethnography); Sandra D. Mitchell (Philosophy) (Epistemological and metaphysical issues in evoutionary biology and cultural anthropology; the structure of scientific explanation); Chandra Mukerji (Sociology and Communications) (Cultural sociology of science; contemporary science and the state; the Book of Nature metaphor in early modern science; plant trade in seventeenth-century France); Martin J. S. Rudwick (History) (History of earth and life sciences; science in 18-19c Europe; the historical relations of scientific and religious practices; the construction of a prehuman history of the earth); Andrew Scull (Sociology) (Psychiatry in Britain and the United States 18-20c; history of medical specialization and medical therapeutics; history of sociology in the USA;Durkheim and Durkheimian sociology); Steven Shapin (Sociology) (Scientific knowledge and sociological/anthropological theory; experimental science in the English 17c; Scientific Revolution esp Robert Boyle, the Royal Society, and the political dimensions of scientific practice); Robert S. Westman (History) (Cultural history of early modern science esp the Copernican problem; occult philosophies of nature; scientific culture of courts and universities) [1997].

University of California--San Francisco (Department of the History of Health Sciences), Box 0726, San Francisco, CA 94143. Voice 415-476-2766; fax 415-476-9453. URL: MA and PhD. Accepts students with backgrounds in the biological and social sciences, the humanities and the health professions; emphasis on modern developments in the health sciences with special concentration on twentieth-century subjects; additional courses available at UC Berkeley and Stanford University. Archival and library resources at Medical Library's Special Collections and Oriental Medicine Collection. 4 students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Guenter B. Risse (Chair) (History of medicine; disease and society); Adele E. Clarke (Sociology of science) Associated faculty and professional staff: Marilyn E. Flood, Roger Hahn, David A. Hollinger, Thomas W. Laqueur, John E. Lesch, Francis Schiller [1996].

University of California--Santa Barbara (Program in History of Science), Department of History, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Voice 805-893-2665 or -2991; fax 805-893-8795; E-mail MA and PhD. Concentration on late 19c and 20c science, both internal and external. Strong orientation towards science policy, and the effect of science on society, as in the arms race, environment, and colonialism. Rutherford correspondence, journals of Glenn Seaborg, technology trade catalogs, and Marie C. Slopes birth control collection, documents of the Manhattan Project, PresidentÍ Science Advisory Committee, and National Security Council. 10 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Lawrence Badash (Head of program) (20c physics; nuclear arms race; science and society;science in America); Stanley Awramik(Life over geological time); Charles Bazerman (Science and cultural studies); Randolph Bergstrom. (Public policy); Patricia Cohen (Statistics); Nancy Gallagher (Medicine; public health); Anita Guerrini (18c biology and medicine); Elvin Hatch (History of anthropology); Bernard Kirtman(Science and society); William Murdoch (Ecological and environmental problems); Kenneth Moure(Science and society); Roderick Nash (Environmental history); Michael Osborne (Late 19c and early 20c biology; scientific societies and institutions; laboratory and clinical medicine; science and imperialism); Constance Penley (Science and cultural studies); Robert Renehan (Medicine in Antiquity); John Talbott (Oceanography). Associated faculty and professional staff: Joann Eisberg, Elizabeth Hodes, Peter Neushul, Adolph Tiddens, Zuoyue Wang [1996].

Stanford University (Program in the History of Science), Building 200-33, Stanford, CA 94305. Voice 415-725-0714; fax 415-725-0597; E-mail MA and PhD. History and philosophy of science; emphasis on exact sciences; degree programs with Departments of Philosophy, History, and the Sciences; collaboration with Program in Values, Technology, Science, and Society [VTSS]. University archives and special collections. 4 students in 1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Keith Baker (Social sciences in 17-19c); Barton J. Bernstein (Science and public policy); Joseph J. Corn (History of technology); C. Francis Everitt (History of modern physics); Paula Findlen (History of early-modern science); Joan Fujimura (Biotechnology and anthropology); Gabrielle Hecht (History of Technology); Peter Godfren-Smith (Philosophy), Yair Guttmann (Philosophy); Timothy Lenoir (History of modern biology); Henry E. Lowood (18c science; German scientific societies; bibliography) [1997].


Yale University (Section of History of Medicine), School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, PO Box 208015, New Haven, CT 06510-8015. Voice 203-785-4338; fax 203-785-4130. MS, MA, MPhil, PhD. History of medicine and life sciences. Situated in Medical Historical Library; extensive collection of rare books in history of medicine and related sciences. 14 students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Frederic L. Holmes (Chairman) (History of life sciences and early chemistry; fine structure of scientific investigation); John Harley Warner (History of medical culture, esp. 19-20c US, UK, and France; science and medicine; the clinical practice of narrative, comparative history; memory and memorialization in American science and medicine); Maria J. Trumpler (History of neurophysiology; visual representations; experimentation in the life sciences; gender and science). Associated faculty and professional staff: Joseph S. Fruton, Stanley Jackson, David Musto [1997].


University of Florida (Graduate Program in History of Science) Department of History, P.O. Box 32611-7320, Gainesville, FL 32611-7320. Voice 352-392-0271; fax 352-392-6927. URL: MA and PhD. Regular faculty and professional staff: Frederick Gregory (German science in 18th and 19th centuries, science and religion, European history); Robert A. Hatch (French science in 17th century, scientific networks, European history); Stephen A. McKnight (science and pseudo science, European and cultural history since the Renaissance, European history); Harry W. Paul (French science in 19th century, intellectual and religious history, European history); Vassiliki B. Smocovitis (modern biological science, history of evolution in 20th century). Associated faculty and professional staff: Robert J. Baum, Robert D'Amico, Donald A. Dewsbury, Stephen Gottesman, David Locke, Charlotte M. Porter, Jonathan Reiskind [1998].


University of Delaware (Graduate Programs in History, and University of Delaware-Hagley Program), Department of History, Newark, DE 19716, voice 302-451-8226. MA and PhD. Graduate Program in History has programs of study in American history, in European history, and in history of science and technology; while also having these three options, the Hagley Program focuses on the history of industrialization, broadly defined, including social, labor, business, and economic history; related programs in American civilization (with Winterthur Museum) and in museum studies. Hagley Museum and Library offers many sources in 19c American industrial technology; 2-3 Hagley fellowships annually. 18-20 new graduate matriculates, 19 Hagley Fellows, and nearly 100 graduate students overall in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Maureen 0. Quimby (Associate Coordinator of Hagley Program for Hagley Museum and Library) (Early American culture); Glenn Porter (Director of Hagley Museum and Library) (Business history); Guy Alchon (20c US political economy); Suzanne Austin Alchon (Latin American history); David F. Allmendinger, Jr. (American social-cultural history; 19c US history); George Basalla (Social history of science and technology); John J. Beer (Emeritus) (History of science and technology); Barbara E. Benson (Hagley Museum) (Historical editing); John Andrew Bernstein (European intellectual history); Anne M. Boylan (US social history; history of women); James Brophy (German history and European social and political history); David F. Callahan (Medieval Europe); Raymond A. Callahan (Military history; 20c Britain); James C. Curtis (Jacksonian Presidency; American Presidency; history and media); Jesus Cruz (18 and 19c Spanish social history); Lawrence G. Duggan (Renaissance and Reformation; medieval Church); Eugene S. Ferguson (Emeritus) (History of technology); Gerald Figal (Japanese history & East Asian civilizations); J. Ritchie Garrison (Museum studies); Reed G. Geiger (Modern France; European economic history); Tamara Hareven (Family studies); Bernard L. Herman (Folklore and historic preservation); Christine Heyrman (Colonial American social and cultural history); Carol E. Hoffecker (American urban history; history of women); Roger Horowitz (Hagley Associate Director of the Center for the History of Business, Technology and Society) (US labor history); Robert A. Howard (Hagley Museum) (Engineering artifacts), John J. Hurt (17-18c France); Howard Johnson (Black studies; Caribbean history); Peter Kolchin (19c US history; Southern history; slavery); Wunyabari Maloba (African history); Michelle Marrese (Russian history and history of European women); Cathy Matson (American economic and intellectual history to1800); Rudie Matthee (Middle Eastern history, historyof consumption): Gary May (US diplomatic relations, Chinese-American relations); Eugene McCarraher (American cultural, intellectual and religious history); Mark McLeod (Modern east and southeast Asia, Vietnam colonial period and revolutionary movement); Donald H. Meyer (American intellectual history); Arwen Mohun (History of technology; American industrialization, gender and work); John Montano (16 and 17c England and Ireland); Daniel Muir (Hagley Museum) (Museum administration); Michael Nash (Hagley Museum) (Labor history; archival management) ; David Pong (Modern China; modern East Asia; Chinese institutional history); William Pulliam (History of curriculum development; European history); Philip Scranton (Hagley Director of the Center for the History of Business, Technology & Society) (American social and economic history); David R. Shearer (European technology; Soviet history); Susan Shoemaker (Modern Britain); Steven Sidebotham (Greek and Roman history; classical archaeology); Bryant F. Tolles, Jr. (Museum studies); Raymond Wolters (20c US race relations) [1997].


Georgia Institute of Technology (History of Technology), School of History, Technology and Society, Atlanta, GA 30345. Voice 404-894-2182; fax 404-894-0535. MS and PhD. History of technology and industrialization with strong foundation in social theory and traditional historical study. Atlanta Seminar in Comparative History of Labor, Industry, Technology, and Society (with Emory University and Georgia State); Southern Labor History Collections; Georgia State Archives. Carter Presidential Library. 15 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Steven W. Usselman (Director) (History of Technology, industrial history, American political economy); Eleanor Alexander (African-American history, gender); Michael Allen (History of technology, modern Germany); Ronald Bayor (Urban and ethnic history, immigration studies); Alice Bullard (European intellectual and cultural history, comparative culture); Lawrence Foster (American social history, comparative history); Mary Frank Fox (Sociology of gender, science, and the professions); August Giebelhaus (Economic and business history, history of technology); Daniel L. Kleinman (Sociology of science and technology, social theory, sociology of organizations); Kenneth Knoespel (History of science); Hanchao Lu (History of modern China and Japan); Robert McMath (History of the South, industrial development, recent US history); Gregory Nobles (Early American, industrial, and labor history); Jonathan Schneer (Modern European and British history, labor history); Joan Sokolovsky (Sociology of development, political sociology, sociology of gender); Andrea Tone (US social, gender and labor history); John Lawrence Tone (Modern European and Spanish history, French Revolution); Steven Vallas (Sociology of work and industry, sociology of inequality) [1996].


Northwestern University, Program in History & Philosophy of Science, 1818 Hinman Ave, Evanston, IL 60208-1315. Voice 847-491-3656; fax 847-491-3656. E-mail:; URL: PhD. through graduate programs in Departments of History and Philosophy, esp physics, biology and psychology. David Hull (Chair) (Philosophy and History of Biology, esp. Darwin & evolution); Kenneth Alder (History of science & technology, esp. France); Laurie Brown (History of modern physics, esp particle physics since 1930); Arthur Fine (Philosophy & history of modern physics, esp. Einstein & the quantum theory); Mathias Frisch (Philosophy of physics, esp. explanation and the role of models); David Joravsky (History of the human sciences, esp. psychology, Russia); Stuart Strickland (History of early modern science and medicine); Sandy Zabell (Probability and Bayesian statistics, esp. history of legal applications).

University of Chicago (Conceptual Foundation of Science (CFS)), 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Voice 773-702-8261; fax 773-702-8261 (please phone first).; MA and PhD. History and philosophy of science, esp physics, biology, psychology, anthropology and mathematics. Crerar Library of Science and Technology, with large holdings in pre-20c science. 18 graduate students in Fall 1996. David B. Malament (Chair) (Philosophy of physics); Murat Aydede (Philosophy of mind/ psychology and cognitive science); Lorraine Daston (History of probability and statistics; history of the human sciences; history of conceptions of objectivity in science); Arnold Davidson (History of philosophy of medicine and psychiatry); Daniel Garber (History of science and philosophy, esp in 17c); Robert Geroch (Mathematical physics, esp relativity theory); Gerd Giegerenzer (Rationality and decision making; methodology of the social sciences); Jan Goldstein (European intellectual history); Janellen Huttenlocher (Memory and cognition); James D. McCawley (Linguistics; philosophy of science); Robert J. Richards (History of biology and psychology); David Schramm (Cosmology and astrophysics); Howard Stein (History of philosophy of physics and mathematics); Stephen Stigler (History of statistics); George Stocking (History of anthropology); Leigh Van Valen (Evolutionary biology); William C. Wimsatt (Philosophy of biology and the social sciences) [1996].

University of Chicago (Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine), 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Voice773-702-8391; fax 773-743-8949. E-mail: (Elizabeth C. Bitoy) URL: MA and PhD offered through graduate programs in Department of History and in Committee on the Conceptual Foundations of Science [see above]. 15 students through History, 22 through CFS in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff Robert J. Richards (Director) (Biology from Greeks to 20c; evolutionism; history of psychology; historiography of science); Jean Comaroff (Western and non-Western medical systems); Lorraine Daston (History of probability; history of objectivity; history of monsters); Arnold Davidson (History of medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis); Allen G. Debus (Emeritus); DanielGarber v(Physics and philosophy in the Scientific Revolution); Sander Gilman (History of psychiatry); Jan Goldstein (History of psychology; history of psychiatry; historiography of science); Myles Jackson (History of 19c science, 20c biology, history of experimentation); Lester S. King (Emeritus); William Kruskal (Emeritus); Donald Levine (History of sociology); Saunders MacLane (Emeritus); Howard Margolis (Cognitive aspects of the history of science); Ian Mueller (Ancient philosophy and science); Peter Novick (History of the historical profession); Joel Snyder (History of optics and theory of photography); Stephen Stigler (Mathematics and statistics in 19-20c); George Stocking (History of anthropology; evolutionism; historiography of science); Noel Swerdlowv (Astronomy; ancient to early modern physics and mathematics); Russell Tuttle (History and theory of human evolution and physical anthropology); William Wimsatt (Evolutionism; genetics in 19-20c; philosophy of social science); Andrea Woody (Philosophy of physics; philosophy of quantum theory; history of chemistry) [1996].

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (STIM: Graduate Program for Studies of Science, Technology, Information, and Medicine), Department of Sociology, University of Illinois, 326 Lincoln Hall, 702 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801. Voice 217-333-8067; E-mail: URL: PhD through participating departments, including History, Philosophy, Sociology, Medicine, and the Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences. Third largest university library in the United States, The National Center for Supercomputing Applications; The Advanced Information Technologies Group; The Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory; The Beckman Institute; The Medical Scholars Program; and The Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Program. 14 graduate students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Andrew Pickering (Head of program) (Sociology, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory); Geoffrey Bowker (Library and Information Science; Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory); Richard Burkhardt (History; Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution); Clifford Christians (Institute of Communications Research); Lillian Hoddeson (History; Physics); Robert A. Jones (Religious Studies, Library and Information Science); Patrick Maher (Philosophy of science); Evan Melhado (History, Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Program, Chemistry); Leslie Reagan (History, Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Program); Ann Reisner (Human and Community Development, Institute for Environmental Studies); Daniel Schneider (Urban and Regional Planning); Susan Leigh Star (Library and Information Science, Women's Studies); Paula Treichler (College of Medicine, Institute for Communications Research, Women's Studies) [1997].


Indiana University (Department of History and Philosophy of Science), Goodbody Hall, Rm 130, Bloomington, IN 47405. Voice 812-855-3622; fax 812-855-3631. Email either mlfriedm or or koertge or jcapshew or churchil, followed by; MA and PhD. Integration of history science and philosophy of science -- eg., through the history of philosophy of science. Lilly Rare Book Library and Archive; Glenn Black Archaeological Library and Archives; and Kinsey Institute Library and Archives. 44 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Michael L. Friedman (Chairman) (History of philosophy of science; foundations of physical and mathematical sciences); Roger C. Buck (Emeritus); Domenico Bertoloni Meli (Mathematical and medical disciplines 16c - 18c); James H. Capshew (History of American science; history of psychology); Ann G. Carmichael (History of medicine); Frederick B. Churchill (Biological sciences); W. Michael Dickson (Philosophy of physics; ancient philosophy and science); H. Scott Gordon (Emeritus); Edward Grant (Emeritus); Noretta Koertge (Scientific method; theories about development of science); William Newman (Alchemy and history of chemistry; natural philosophy, 13c -18c); Richard J. Sorrenson (Scientific revolution; 18c scientific instruments) [1996].

University of Notre Dame ( Program in History and Philosophy of Science), Notre Dame, IN 46556. Voice 219-631-5015; Toll-Free 1-800-813-2304; fax: 219-631-4268; E-mail: URL: . Ph.D. only. Specializations: History and philosophy of physical science and life science 1600-1980; history of the philosophy of science; historical interactions of science and religion; medieval medicine and natural philosophy; social history of science; Excellent resources in history of astronomy; natural history; history of physics; Denisoff collection in Cartesiana; medieval philosophy, theology; history of the university (all periods); Ambrosiana microfilm collection; 18th century microfilm collection; excellent computer, database services. 18 full-time graduate students in fall 1997. Regular faculty (Committee-Style Program): Don Howard (Director) (Einstein, history of recent philosophy of science; logical empiricist tradition); Michael Crowe (history of astronomy 1600-; history of physics 1750-1900; scientific revolution); James Cushing (philosophy of physics, quantum mechanics); Gary Gutting (Continental philosophy of science); Christopher Hamlin (history of technology; social history of science; history of medicine); J. B. Kennedy (philosophy of space and time; relativity); Edward Manier (philosophy of biology; philosophy of psychiatry; cognitive neuroscience); Vaughn McKim (philosophy of science; philosophy of social science); Rev. Ernan McMullin (emeritus) (history of the philosophy of science; science and religion; realism); Philip Mirowski (history and philosophy of economics); Cornelius O'Boyle (history of medieval universities; history of medieval medicine and natural philosophy; historiography); Philip Quinn (science and values); Esther-Mirjam Sent (philosophy of economics); Phillip R. Sloan (Darwin studies; history of molecular biology and genetics; Enlightenment intellectual history). Associated Faculty : J. Matthew Ashley (science and religion); Christopher Fox (science and literature); Mark D. Jordan (medieval philosophy; philosophy and medicine in the middle ages); Howard Louthan (early modern history; science and society in early modern period); William Ramsey (cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind); James Turner (American Intellectual History). [1997]


Iowa State University (Program in History of Technology and Science), Department of History, 603 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011. Voice 515-294-7286 or 294-7266; fax 515-294-6390.; MA and PhD. Emphasizes the history of technology, science and medicine in Europe and America since the later 18th c. The Department of Special Collections has holdings of rare books and germane manuscripts collections of such organizations as the Association of Official Analytical Chemists and the American Statistical Association, and is also the official repository of the American Archives of the Factual Film and the American Archives of Veterinary Medicine; the Parks Library has superb holdings in the sciences, engineering, and medicine, past and present, American and European; the Center for Historical Studies of Technology and Science accessions historical materials for research by faculty and graduate students, and sponsors research opportunities, symposia, and summer institutes. 16 graduate students in residence during 1995-1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Alan I. Marcus (Director) (history of technology and medicine; intellectual history of American technology and science); Amy Sue Bix (history of technology; history of the life sciences, their technologies and medicine; public policy and technical knowledge and history of women in science); Hamilton Cravens (history of American science, technology and medicine; the life and social sciences; the social history of science; the history of women in science); Jessica G. Riskin (history of scientific and political thought and culture; history of French science; Enlightenment natural philosophy; language and science); David B. Wilson (history of the physical sciences and engineering; science and religion; 18 and 19c Britain). Associated faculty and professional staff: Achilles Avraamides, R. Douglas Hurt, Jay Taylor, George McJimsey, Andrejs Plakans, and Alan F. Wilt [1996]


University of Kansas (History of Science and Medicine), Department of History, Lawrence, KS 66045. MA and PhD. Approximately 10 students in 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Robert DeKosky (Physical sciences, institutional development of science); Robert Hudson (Medicine); Robert Martensen (Medicine); Donald Worster (Environmental history). Associated faculty and professional staff: William Bartholome, Richard Cole, F. Allan Hanson, Nancy Hulston, Don Marquis [1996].

Kansas State University (Department of History), Eisenhower Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506. Voice 913-532-6730; E-mail URL: MA and PhD. Regular faculty and professional staff: Jack M. Holl (Program coordinator) (History of science, nuclear history); Louise A. Breen (Scientific revolution; American colonial); Marion W. Gray, Jr. (19c European environmental, agricultural, and technology); Robin Higham (Technology and war; aviation; military history); John M. McCulloh (Medieval; technology); Mark P. Parillo (Technology and war; transportation; military history); James E. Sherow (US environmental, agricultural and western history); Sue Zschoche (History of medicine; US social and cultural) [1997].


University of Kentucky (History of Medicine and Science Committee), Office Tower 1715, Lexington, KY 40506-0027. Voice 606-257-1731 or 6861. MA and PhD. Emphases on history of medicine, on the integration of science and medicine with general history, and on history and philosophy of science, with eight members of Philosophy Department. Rare books; MSS; apparatus of early 19c Transylvania University medical school; microfilms of medieval science MSS. Regular faculty and professional staff: Bruce Eastwood (Head of program) (Medieval science) (Optics and visual theory to 1650; late ancient-Renaissance cosmology; scientific and medical MSS illustrations); Eric Christianson (American medicine) (19c medical/science education; 19c life sciences; pseudo-science and science fiction). Associated faculty and professional staff: Ronald Bruzina, James Force, Harmon Holcomb, Roger Jones, Brandon Look, Edward Madden, Alan Perreiah, Henry Schankula [1997].


Johns Hopkins University (Department of History of Science, Medicine and Technology), School of Arts and Sciences, 3400 North Charles, Baltimore, MD 21218-2690. Voice 401-516-7501; fax 401-516-7502. PhD. History of science from Renaissance to present; American science and technology; history of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology; science-based industry; space science; history and philosophy of science. Program in the History of Astronomy and Space Science (jointly with National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution); Center for the History and Philosophy of Science (jointly with Philosophy Department); many relevant archives and libraries in Baltimore-Washington area. 20 students in 19996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff Gert H. Brieger (Chair) (History of 19-20c medicine; history of surgery; history of medical education); Jerome J. Bylebyl (Renaissance and 17c medicine, esp. anatomy and physiology, and medical education; ancient medicine and biology); Mary E. Fissell (European health care and popular medicine, 17-18c; early modern gender and the body); Owen Hannaway (History of chemistry 17-20c; Renaissance and early modern science); Robert H. Kargon (History of physics 17-19c; science in America; science and social change); Sharon Kingsland (History of biology); Stuart W. Leslie (History of technology; history of science-based industry); Harry M. Marks (20c medical research, history and policy; history of public health; history of statistics); Robert W. Smith (History of astronomy; 20c science; US and British science); Daniel P. Todes (History of Russian medicine and science, social relations of scientific thought; history of biomedical sciences) Associated faculty and professional staff: Peter Achinstein, Dennis Des Chene, Robert Rynasiewicz, Karen Neander [1997].

University of Maryland--College Park (Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science), Department of Philosophy, College Park, MD 20742. Voice 301-405-5691; fax 301-405-5690.;; MA and PhD (through History and Philosophy Departments). Philosophy of science; history of technology; history of modern science. Libraries, museums, and universities of Baltimore-Washington area; AIP Center for the History of Physics; Niels Bohr Library; Archives II. 12 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Stephen Brush (Chair) (History of physical sciences; 19-20c planetary science); John Anderson (Aerospace engineering; history of technology, specializing in history of aerospace technology); Jeffrey Bub (Philosophy of physics esp quantum mechanics; methodological problems of neuropsychology); Christopher Cherniak (Theory of knowledge; philosophy of psychology; neuroanatomy); Lindley Darden (History and philosophy of biology; philosophy of science; growth of scientific knowledge); Robert Friedel (History of technology); Georges Rey (Philosophy of psychology; cognitive science); Allen Stairs (Philosophy of quantum mechanics); Jon Sumida (History of military technology); Frederick Suppe (Philosophy of science; epistemology; philosophy of social science; agriculture); William Wallace (History of medieval and early modern science esp Galileo); Richard F. Wetzell (Criminology, history of modern Europe and modern European ideas). Associated faculty and professional staff: Vincent Brannigan, Dieter Brill, Michael David-Fox, John Carlson, Ralph O. Dubayah, Timothy Eastman, Jeanne D. Fahnestock, Michael Fisher, Daniel Fivel, Paul S. Green, Oscar W. Greenberg, Sandra Greer, James E. Grunig, Sandra Herbert, John Levinson, Willard Larkin, James Lesher, J. David Lockard, Raymond Martin, Charles Misner, Mancur Olson, Mark Sagoff, Steven Selden, David Sicilia, Charles Striffler, William Stuart, Lars Svenonius, and James Wallace, Ching-Hung Woo [1996].

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (Medical History Department), 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-4799. Voice 202-295-3168. Masters of Military Medical History. History of medicine courses for medical students, hospital staff, house officers, and NTH graduate students; continuing education program. Collection specialized in history of military medicine. 1 student per year. Regular faculty and professional staff: Dale C. Smith (Interim chairperson) (History of changing concepts of disease; relations of science and clinical medicine; medical education) Robert J. T. Joy (Military medicine; history of infectious diseases) [1996].


Boston University (Center for Philosophy and History of Science), 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Voice 617-353-2604; fax 617-353-6085. Telex 286995 BOSUNIV BSN. MA and PhD in related academic departments. Research, academic programs, special conferences, public education, and publications in the philosophy and history of the sciences. Emphasis on epistemological, metaphysical, and methodological issues in the natural and social sciences; social relations of science, its ethical implications and relation to the humanities. Periodic research conferences to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions and investigations; Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science; Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science (Kluwer Academic Publishers). No center course or degree program. Regular faculty and professional staff: Alfred I. Tauber (Director) (medicine, philosophy); Kenneth Brecher (Astronomy and physics); Robert S. Cohen (Emeritus) (Physics and philosophy) (Modern physics; time; comparative philosophy of science); Thomas F. Glick (History and geography) (Modern Spanish science; Darwinism; geography); Thomas Hawkins (Mathematics); Jaakko Hintikka (Logic; epistemology; history of mathematics and logic; analytic philosophy); Victor Kestenbaum (Education); Dennis Kfoury (Computer science); Michael L. Martin (Philosophy) (Philosophy of social science); JÄrgen Renn (Galileo; history of early modern physics; philosophy and of modern physics esp statistical and relativistic mechanics; philosophy of science); Leroy S. Rouner (Philosophical theology); Abner Shimony (Emeritus) (Philosophy and physics) (Scientific explanation; foundations of physics); John J. Stachel (Physics) (Relativity); Judson C. Webb (Philosophy) (Philosophy of mathematics) [1996].

Harvard University (Department of the History of Science), Science Center 235, Cambridge, MA 02138. Voice 617-495-3741; fax 617-495-3344; E-mail (Meg Alexander) URL: MA and PhD. University Libraries and Archives; Collection of historical scientific instruments; MIT, Boston University, and Boston Public Libraries. 47 graduate students in 1995. Regular faculty and professional staff: Peter L. Galison (Chair) (History and philosophy of modern physics);); William J.H. Andrews (History of scientific instruments); David S. Barnes (History of European medicine and public health); Mario Biagioli (Early modern science, cultural studies of science); Robert M. Brain (History of biology, history of medicine, history of technology); Peter Buck (History of social sciences, history of technology); Owen Gingerich (17-19c astronomy); Loren R. Graham (History of Russian science); Anne Harrington (Psychology; psychiatry and brain sciences; evolutionary approaches to mind and behavior 19-20c); Mark G. Madison (History of environment and ecology); Everett Mendelsohn (17-19c biological sciences; sociological history of science); John E. Murdoch (Medieval science; philosophy and logic); Mary Terrall (History of early modern science, gender and science). Associated faculty and professional staff: Allan M. Brandt, Jed Z. Buchwald, I. Bernard Cohen (Emeritus), Erwin N. Hiebert (Emeritus), Gerald Holton (Emeritus), Lisbet Koerner, Katharine Park, Sharon Prado; Barbara G. Rosenkrantz , A.I. Sabra (Emeritus), Sylvan Schweber, Gerald Toomer [1996].

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Program in Science, Technology, and Society), Room E51-185, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. Voice 617-253-3452; fax 617-258-8118. PhD. History and social study of science and technology; multidisciplinary, strength in 19-20c. 31 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Michael M.J. Fischer (Director)(Anthropology and science and technology studies); Deborah Fitzgerald (Director of Graduate Studies) (History of technology; 20c Amercian agricultural science-technology); Louis L. Bucciarelli (Non-technical factors in engineering design); Jed Z. Buchwald (History of science esp. physics); Jill Conway (History of women); Loren R. Graham (History of science esp Soviet science); Hugh Gusterson (Cultural Antrhopology and science studies); Evelyn Hammonds (History of science; history of medicine and public health in US); Lily E. Kay (History of science esp biology); Carl Kaysen (Emeritus) (Political economy); Evelyn Fox Keller (History and philosophy of biology; gender and science); Kenneth Keniston (Human development); Richard A. Lester (Nuclear policy; technology and productivity); Kenneth R. Manning (History of science; biography); Leo Marx (Emeritus) (American cultural history); David Mindell (History of engineering and manufacturing); Theodore A. Postol (Military technology and national security policy); Merritt Roe Smith (History of technology; 19c industrial technology); Walter A. Rosenblith (Emeritus) (Science policy; health sciences and biomedical engineering); Charles F. Sabel (Politics and sociology of work, law, and art); Eugene B. Skolnikoff (Emeritus) (International science policy); Leon Trilling (Science policy; social study of technology); Sherry R. Turkle (Sociology of science; computers and society); Charles Weiner (History of science and technology; oral history) [1996].


University of Michigan (Department of History), Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003. Voice 313-764-6305; fax 313-647-4881.;; (history dept.); (program in society and medicine). MA and PhD in history or as interdepartmental degree. Program in Society and Medicine offers a broad range of activities in history of medicine and medical humanities. Historical Center for the Health Sciences collects and studies sources and artifacts of Michigan medical history. 14 for 1996-97; 14 PhDs granted for 1991-96. Regular faculty and professional staff: Martin Pernick (Associate Director for Medical History of Program in Society and Medicine) (Anesthesia; death; epidemics; ethics; eugenics; mass culture and medicine in U.S.); Nicholas Stenek (history of science) (Michigan medicine; ethics in medical research; science and technology studies; risk assessment). Andrew Achenbaum (Aging; gerontology; health policy in 20c U.S.); Ann Ellis Hanson (Hippocratic gynecology; medical papyri); Philip Kalisch (Nursing; mass culture); Michael MacDonald (Mental illness in Britain since 17th c); Howard Markel (Pediatrics, infectious diseases, immigration and quarantine in U.S.; literature and medicine); Regina Morantz-Sanchez (Women and gender issues in U.S. medicine; medicine and family history); Peter Railton (Philosophy of science); Lawrence Sklar (Philosophy of science); Barbara Sloat (Biology and society); Linda Strodtman (Nursing); Maris Vinovskis (Demography; vital statistics; children and family; mental illness); Susan Wright (Science and society; modern biology and genetics) [1996]

Michigan Technological University (Program in Industrial History and Archaeology), 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295. Voice 906-487-2113; fax 906-487-2468.; . BS and MS. History of technology; industrial archaeology. Institutional home of Society for Industrial Archeology; editorial home for IA: Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology; special projects; archival records of local mining firms 1840-1940. 12 students in 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Terry Reynolds (Department chair) (History of science) (Water power technology; engineering profession 19-20c; chemical engineering); Hugh S. Gorman (History & Policy) (Environmental history; environmental policy); Alison K. Hoagland (American Studies) (Historic preservation; architectural history); David B. Landon (Archaeology) (Zooarchaeology; historical archaeology; mining history); Larry Lankton (American studies) (Mining, labor, and industrial paternalism; 19c American technology; automobile industry); Patrick E. Martin (Archaeology) (Historical archaeology; industrial archaeology); Susan R. Martin (Archaeology) (Aboriginal technologies); prehistoric North American archaeology); Erik C. Nordberg (Library Science) (Mining history; archival management); Bruce Seely (History of technology) (American engineering profession; highways and road building; iron and steel technology). Associated faculty and professional staff: Theodore Lockhart, William Sewell, Jennifer Slack, Craig Waddell [1996].


University of Minnesota (History of Medicine and the Biological Sciences), Department of History of Medicine, 505 Essex Street SE, Box 506 UMHC, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Voice 612-624-4416.; MA and PhD. Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine; Biomedical Library. 2 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Leonard G. Wilson (Department Head, Director of Graduate Studies) (Medicine and biological sciences; evolutionary biology); John M. Eyler (Medicine and social sciences; public health). Associated faculty and professional staff: John Beatty [1996].

University of Minnesota (Program in History of Science and Technology), Tate Laboratory of Physics, 116 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Voice 612-624-7069; fax 612-624-4578.; MA and PhD. Emphasis on history of physics, biology, technology, and scientific institutions; close ties to Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, and to science and engineering departments. Archives for the History of Quantum Physics; Charles Babbage Institute for the History of Information Processing (q.v., below); Bakken Library of Electricity in Life (q.v., below); Center for Biomedical Ethics. 32 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Alan E. Shapiro (Director) (Scientific Revolution; physical science); John Beatty (Modern biology); John M. Eyler (Medicine and social sciences; public health); Sally Gregory Kohlstedt (Science in American culture; natural history; women in science); Edwin T. Layton (Technology); Arthur L. Norberg (Technology esp 19-20c); Robert W. Seidel (Director, Charles Babbage Institute) (Modern physical science and related technologies); Roger H. Stuewer (Modern physics). Associated faculty and professional staff: Ronald N. Giere, Keith Gunderson, Geoffrey Hellman, Helen E. Longino [1996].


Montana State University (Program in the History and Philosophy of Science), Wilson Hall, Department of History and Philosophy, Bozeman, MT 59717. Voice 406-994-4395; fax 406-994-6879; E-mail (Alexandra M. Lord) MA. History of science since 1500; logic of science; philosophy of science; gynecology in Europe and the United States; 19c US technology; maritime history; agricultural technology; Bayesianism; Cartesian philosophy. Archival collections in Yellowstone ecosystem, spotted fever/lyme disease, agricultural technology; limited and special collections in 18-19c German, French, and Italian genetics-teratology. 4 students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Alexandra M. Lord (Head of program) (History of medicine) (18c British gynecology and obstetrics); Gordon G. Brittan (Head of program) (Philosophy of science) (Kant studies); Susan Neel (Conservation history) (US); John M. Opitz (History of biology) (genetics); Robert G. Rydell (History of technology) (19c worldÍs fairs); Jeffrey J. Safford (Emeritus) (Maritime history) [1996].

New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire (History of Psychology Program), Department of Psychology, Conant Hall, Durham, NH 03824. Voice 603-862-4044 (Woodward), 603-862-3199 (Coon).; MA and PhD. Program directed by historians of science with additional degrees in psychology; history of psychology as area of specialization in psychology; students produce masters theses in experimental psychology prior to dissertation research in history; students completing a dissertation in one of the other subdisciplines of experimental psychology may elect to do a masters thesis in history of psychology. Library strength in history of psychology. 5 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Deborah J. Coon (History of science) (Modern psychology; William James; intellectual history; social context of psychological methods); William R. Woodward (History of science and medicine) (Modern psychology; Hermann Lotze; scientific biography; psychology and race). Associated faculty and professional staff: Michael J. Donnelly, R. Valentine Dusek, Jan V. Golinski, Robert M. Mennel, Robert C. Scharff, John D. Shotter [1996].

New Jersey

Princeton University (Program in History of Science), 129 Dickinson Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544. Voice 609-258-6705; fax 609-258-5326; E-mail hos@pucc.bitnet,; URL: MA and PhD. Degrees awarded by History Department; training in "regular" history required; seeks to integrate conceptual, technical, and sociocultural history of science. 20 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: M. Norton Wise (Director of Graduate Studies) (Physical sciencs since 1800); Angela Creager (20c biology); Gerald L. Geison (Biology and medicine since 1750); Michael S. Mahoney Science and technology since the Renaissance; mathematics and computers); Mary Henninger-Voss (Early modern science). Associated faculty and professional staff: Anthony T. Grafton, Elizabeth Lunbeck, Gyan Prakash, Anson Rabinbach [1996].

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Program in History of Technology, Science, and Medicine), Department of History, Van Dyck Hall, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. Voice 908-932-6731 or 7905; E-mail (Philip Pauly) URL: MA and PhD. Emphasis upon history of American technology, science, medicine in the context of a large, strong department noted for American and European social and political history and for women's studies; complementary courses in historical editing and archives management. Edison Papers project; IEEE and Rutgers Centers for the History of Electrical Engineering; Edison archives; resources of New York, Philadelphia, and Princeton less than an hour away. 3 students in program, 100 students in department, 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Philip Pauly (Head of program) (History of science) (History of science and medicine 19-20c); Janet Abbate (History of Science) (History of computing); Michael Adas (History) (Non-Western comparative history; history of technology); Gerald Grob (US history) (History of American medicine; history of psychiatry 19-20c); Paul Israel (US history) (History of American technology and science 19c; history of invention); Reese V. Jenkins (History of science) (History of technology and science 19-20c); Jackson Lears (US history) (19-20c intellectual and cultural history); James Livingston (US history) (19-20c economics); Frederick Nebeker (History of science) (Geophysics; mathematics; computing; technology); Keith Nier (History of science) (History of science and technology esp Britain 19-20c); James Reed (US history) (History of social sciences in America 19-20c); Robert Rosenberg (History of science) (History of American science and technology 19-20c); Susan Schrepfer (US history) (History of environment in US in 20c); Phillip Scranton (US history) (19-20c social and labor history); Thomas P. Slaughter (US history) (History of nature, 17-18c). Associated faculty and professional staff: Thomas Jeffrey, Ruth Simmons [1996].

New York

City University of New York, The Graduate Center (Specialization in History of Science within PhD Program in History), 33 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Voice 212-790-44621. Masters and PhD in history, with specialization in history of science. All major areas of the discipline from antiquity to present, covered by drawing upon nearly thirty faculty members in City University system. Resources of New York metropolitan area esp New York Public Library and New York Academies of Science and of Medicine. 135 students in history, 12-15 in history of science, 1985-1986. Regular faculty and professional staff: Joseph W. Dauben (Head of program) (History of mathematics; the Scientific Revolution); Evelyn Ackerman (History of medicine); Stanley Aronowitz (Sociology of science and technology); Samuel Bloom (History of sociology; sociology of medicine); Alberto Cordero (Philosophy of science; Philosophy of physics); Joseph W. Dauben (History of mathematics; Scientific Revolution; science and technology in China); D. Gordon (History of economics); Leon Gortier (History of chemistry); Dolores Greenberg (Industrial Revolution); Daniel Greenberger (History of physics); Bernard H. Baumrin (Philosophy of science; bioethics); Bruce Chandler (History of mathematics; history of technology); James Jacob (17c natural philosophy); Samuel Korn (History of psychology); Arnold Koslow (Philosophy of science); Douglas Lackey (History of modern logic); Richard Lemay (Emeritus) (Islamic and medieval science); David Leveson (History of geology); Judith Lorber (Sociology of medicine); Jack Orbach (History of psychology); Irving Paul (History of psychology); Arthur Reber (History of psychology); David Rosenthal (Philosophy of science); David Rosner (Sociology of medicine); Janis Roze (History of biology); Nancy Siraisi (Medieval and Renaissance science, medicine, and natural philosophy); Stephen Spielman (Probability and the foundations of statistics); Martin Tamny (Scientific Revolution); Michael Timko (Science and literature) [1997].

Columbia University (Program in the History of Public Health and Medicine ) Division of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia School of Public Health, 17H Tower 3, 100 Haven Avenue, New York, NY 10032. Voice: 212-304-7978; Fax: 212-304-7942;; MPH and PhD. The program brings together the faculties of three of the nation's leading research and educational units: the Division of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia School of Public Health, the Center for the Study of Society and Medicine at the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Department of History at the graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The goal of the program is to equip its graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in academic, policy, and administrative positions. Regular faculty and professional staff: David Rosner and David J. Rothman (Co-Directors); Ronald Bayer, Amy Fairchild, Barron Lerner, Gerald Oppenheimer, Sheila Rothman. [1998]

Cornell University (Department of Science and Technology Studies), 632 Clark Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. Voice 607-255-3810; fax 607-255-6044. Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies located at 726 University Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850, voice 607-255-6234; fax 607-255-6044; E-mail: URL: MA, PhD. 25 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Sheila Jasanoff (Chair) (Science and law; environmental law 20c); Richard Boyd (Philosophy of science); Joan Jacobs Brumberg (Social history of medicine 19-20c); Peter Dear (Scientific Revolution); Michael A. Dennis (Social and politcal history of science); Ronald Kline (History of technology; history of electro-technology 19-20c); Bruce Lewenstein (History of American science; popularization of science in America 20c); Richard Miller (Philosophy); Trevor Pinch (Sociology of science 20c); William Provine (Biological science 19-20c); Margaret Rossiter (Agricultural science 19-20c; women in science); Peter Taylor (Ecology of science; science policy 20c); L. Pearce Williams (Physical sciences; 19c; Naturphilosophie and science; French science 1789-1840) [1991].

Polytechnic University (Program in the History of Science and Technology), 333 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Voice 718-260-3406; fax 718-260-3136; E-mail MS. Processes of scientific and technological origins and change; material and experimental bases for technology and science. Regular faculty and professional staff: Thomas B. Settle (Director) (Galileo; 15-17c technology; science and society esp Italian); David F. Mulcahy (Ethnoscience; primitive technology); Romualdas Sviedrys (Maxwell; science and industrial revolution; sociology of science; technological forecasting and transfer) [1996].

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Department of Science and Technology Studies), Troy, NY 12180-3590. Voice 518-276-6574; fax 518-276-4871; E-mail; telex 6716050 RPI TROU. MS and PhD in science and technology studies. Archives strength in early 19c American science, civil engineering; John A. Roebling Collection in late 19-early 20c American bridge building; papers of George M. Low, former NASA administrator. Approximately 30 graduate students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Deborah Johnson (Chair) (Ethics; applied and professional eithics, engineering and computer ethics, values and policy); Steve Breyman (Environmental politics and policy, environment and development, international relations, German politics) Linnda Caporael (Human-computer interactions; social cognition; biology and society); Susan Cozzens (Science/government relations, democratic control of scientific knowledge); David Ellison (Sociology of medicine; human dimensions of biomedical technologies; social impact assessment); Kim Fortun (International politics, environmentalism and law); Edward Hackett (Sociology of science, technology, and work; organizational behavior; research methodology); David Hess (Anthropology and social studies of science, medicine, technology and culture); Linda Layne (Cultural construction of pregnancy loss; new reproductive technologies in Western and non-Western settings, medical and religious discourses, popular representations of nature, neonatal intensive care, feminist methods); Sal Restivo (Sociology of science, mathematics and mind); Andrea A. Rusnock (History of European science and medicine; quantification); Langdon Winner (Social and political issues generated by modern technological change); Edward Woodhouse (Decision making; science and technology policy; energy/environment/risk; science as political phenomenon; knowledge utilization in politics [1997].

State University of New York at Stony Brook (History of Science, Technology, and Medicine), History Department, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4348. Voice 516-632-7498; E-mail MA and PhD in history. Specializations in history of science, technology; history of medicine offered as part of the New York Consortium in History of Medicine, which includes faculty from Columbia University and the City University of New York; possible outside fields in sociology of science and technology, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of medicine, biology, and physics. Resources of New York metropolitan area. 80 graduate students, 5 in history of science, technology, and medicine, in 1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Ruth Schwartz Cowan (Head of program) (Biology; technology; 20c medicine); Elizabeth Garber (Physics, social and intellectual); Helen R. Lemay (Medieval and Renaissance medicine); Wolf Schafer (Social studies of science); Nancy J. Tomes (Medicine and nursing; medical institutions). Associated faculty and professional staff Elof Carlson, David C. Cassidy, Stephen Cole, Arthur Donovan, Daniel Fox, Donald Ihde, Abraham Krikorian, Lester Paidy, Mary Rawlinson, Ira L. Resak, Michael Schwartz, Michael Simon, Marshal Spector, Darwin Stapleton, Clifford Swartz, Peter Williams [1997].

North Carolina

Duke University (Duke-UNC Program in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology), Department of History, Durham, North Carolina 27708. Voice (Duke) 919-684-2581; E-mail; voice (UNC) 919-962-2373; E-mail MA and PhD; graduate degrees in any one of the three fields or all together; combined MD-MA or MD-PhD also available. Joint program with University of North Carolina, below. Medieval science and medicine; Scientific Revolution; modern medicine; epidemiology; pediatrics; parapsychology; chemistry; science and technology of munitions; aerospace programs; computers. Duke University Medical School; Research Triangle, including the National Humanities Center. 8 graduate students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Seymour H. Mauskopf (Director)(Duke) (18-19c chemistry and physical sciences, munitions, parapsychology); Michael R. McVaugh (Co-Director) (UNC) (Medicine, medieval and early modern science esp. biomedical; parapsychology); Peter C. English (Duke) (Medicine; modern physiology; pediatrics); Monica H. Green (Duke) (Medieval medicine and science; women in medicine and science); Margaret Humphreys (Duke) (American medicine and public health; epidemiology); Lynn S. Joy (Duke) (Scientific Revolution; history of ethics; Greek natural philosophy; 20c philosophy of science); John Kasson (UNC) (American technology and culture); Henry Petroski (Duke) (Structural engineering; engineering profession); Alex Roland (Duke) (Technology, military, aerospace, computers); Keith Wailoo (UNC) (20c medicine and technology; race and medicine; hematology). Associated faculty and professional staff: Jeffrey Baker, Kenneth L. Caneva, Mi Gyung Kim; William Kimler, Martin Miller, John Riddle, Edith D. Sylla [1997].

University of North Carolina (Duke-UNC Program in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology), Department of History, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Voice 919-962-2373; E-mail PhD. Joint program with Duke University above; see the Duke entry for particulars. Michael R. McVaugh (Co-Director) (UNC) [1997].


Case Western Reserve University (Program in History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine), History Department, Cleveland, OH 44106. Voice 216-368-2380; fax 216-368-4681; E-mail:; Web site: MA and PhD. Emphasizes post-Renaissance technology and physical sciences, medicine, and science and society. Smith Library Special Collections; Allen Medical Library Rare Book Room; University Archives MSS Collections. 14 graduate students in fall 1999. Regular faculty and professional staff: Carroll Pursell (History of technology; technology and science policy); James Edmonson (History) (Technology; medicine; museology); Miriam Levin (History of technology; 19c France; cultural history); Alan Rocke (History of science) (19c science; science and society); Jonathan Sadowsky (History of medicine, History of psychiatry, African history); Theodore Steinberg (History of the Environment) [1999].

Ohio State University (Department of History), 106 Dulles Hall, 230 West 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. Voice 614-292-2674; fax 614-292-2282; E-mail;; URL: MA and PhD. 8 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: John C. Burnham (Contact person) (American medicine and science; psychiatry); James R. Bartholomew (Modern Japanese medicine, biology, and technology); Alan D. Beyerchen (Science, technology, and politics in modern Europe). Associated faculty and professional staff: Robert A. Buerki, Donald B. Cooper , David E. Hahm, Gisela Hinkle, Amos J. Loveday, Franklin J. Pegues, Ronald L. Stuckey [1996].

Ohio State University (Department of Plant Biology), 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. Voice 614-422-8952. MS. Students expected to take some courses in History Department (see previous entry). 1 student in 1990-1991. Regular faculty and professional staff: Ronald L. Stuckey (American botanical collecting; plant taxonomy) [1996].


University of Oklahoma (Department of the History of Science), 622 Physical Sciences Building, Norman, OK 73019-0315. Voice 405-325-2213; fax 405-325-2363.; MA and PhD. Comprehensive study, from antiquity to modern times, of science's development and cultural relations in Western civilization; special emphasis on medieval and early modern science in Islam and Western Europe, and the natural and social sciences in the modern world, especially biology and ecology, natural history, psychology, and geology. History of Science Collections, 84,000 volumes, separately housed in main library. 15 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Steven J. Livesey (Department Chair) (History) (Medieval science, scientific methodologies; science in the medieval universities); Peter Barker (Philosophy) (History and historiography of the Scientific Revolution; history of the physical sciences in the 19th and 20th c; history of psychology; philosophy of science); Gregg A. Mitman (History of Science) (History of 20th-c biology; interfaces of biological and social sciences; science in American culture; science and film); F. Jamil Ragep (History of Science) (Arabic/Islamic science; ancient science; history of astronomy); Katherine Pandora (History/Science Studies) (Human and social sciences; American science; natural history methodologies; cultural studies; science studies); Kenneth L. Taylor (History of Science) (History of geology and natural history; 18th-c science). Associated faculty and professional staff. Affiliates: Gary B. Cohen (Department of History), Luis Cortest (Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics), Lawrence Frank (Department of English), Catherine Hobbs (Department of English) Sandie Holguin (Department of History), Ben Keppel (Department of History), Clara Sue Kidwell (Native American Studies), David Levy (Department of History), John M. Lewis (National Severe Storms Laboratory & School of Meteorology (OU)), Judith Lewis (Department of History), Roberta Magnusson (Department of History), Judith Overmier (School of Library and Information Studies), Donald Pisani (Department of History) Ronald Schleifer (Department of English). Associates: Pamela Gossin (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas), Dennis Sepper (Department of Philosophy, University of Dallas), Kathleen Wellman (Department of History, Southern Methodist University), Elizabeth A. Williams (Department of History, Oklahoma State University). The complete list with descriptions of their interests may be found at [1999].


Oregon State University (History of Science), Department of History, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5104. Voice 541-737-3421 fax 541-737-1257 email MA, MS, MAIS (Masters of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies),PhD Web page ( History of science from the scientific revolution to the present. Linus Pauling Papers, Atomic Energy Collections (both in Valley Library), Horning Lecture Series, Carson Lecture Series. 12 graduate students in Fall, 1998. Regular faculty and professional staff: Mary Jo Nye (Graduate Chair) (History of physical sciences science since the 18th Century) Mina Carson (History of psychology and social work, American social and cultural history) Ron Doel (History of geosciences, astronomy, environmental sciences, and international science during the Cold War, twentieth-century U.S. history) Paul Farber (History of biology and natural history, European intellectual history) Gary Ferngren (Social history of ancient medicine, historical relationship of science and religion, history of Greece and Rome) Paul Kopperman (Military medicine in the 18c, English history, history of the Holocaust) R.J. Morris, Emeritus (History of earth sciences, history of chemistry) Robert Nye (History of medicine, social sciences, human sexuality and gender, European intellectual history) William Robbins (Environmental history, history of the American West and Pacific Northwest) Lisa Sarasohn (Early modern science, scientific revolution, medieval and early European history) Jeff Sklansky (History of the social sciences, 19th and 20th century U.S. cultural and intellectual history) Associated faculty and professional staff Jeff Ramsey (philosophy of the physical and biological sciences) Michael J. Scanlan (philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science) William L. Uzgalis (epistemology and metaphysics, history of modern philosophy). [1998]


Lehigh University (Program in the History of Technology, and Science), Department of History, Lehigh University, 9 W Packer Ave., Bethleham, PA 18015. Voice 610-758-3360; fax 610-758-6554.; MA and PhD. Processes of technological origins and change in social and cultural context; Working with Science, Technology, and Society Program; and Institute for the Study of the Highrise Habitat. Honeyman History of Science Collection; History of Engineering Collection (with strong emphasis in railroads, mining, and metallurgy); Lehigh University Press (Research in Technology Studies Series, plus Strong emphasis on history of technology and science). 33 graduate students in all fields of history, Fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Roger D. Simon (Department Chair) (Urban history) (Urbanization and industrialization; labor; skyscrapers); Gail Cooper (History of technology) (Japanese industrialization; American manufacturing; gender and technology); Stephen H. Cutcliffe (History of technology) (Science, technology, and society studies; engineering education); Stephen L. Goldman (Philosophy of science) (Philosophy of engineering; history of physics; medieval and Renaissance science); Tom F. Peters (Architecture) (Civil engineering; architectural history; John Kenly Smith, Jr. (History of technology) (Chemistry and chemical engineering; industrial R&D; business history). Associated faculty and professional staff: Gerald Bastoni, Susan Cady, Ned Heindel, Philip Metzger, Michael Notis [1996].

University of Pennsylvania (Department of History and Sociology of Science), 3440 Market Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3325. Voice 215-898-8400; fax 215-573-2231; E-mail URL: MA and PhD. History of science, technology, and medicine; emphasis on social, cultural, and organizational aspects and policy. Chemical Heritage Foundation (q.v., below); local Philadelphia resources, such as American Philosophical Society Library (q.v., below), Francis Wood Institute of History of Medicine, College of Physicians. 35 students in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Steven Feierman (Chairman) (19c and 20c history of medicine in Africa, medicine in colonial societies, medicine and technology among subject populations in the colonized world, anthropology); Mark B. Adams (History of biology; Darwinism and evolution; genetics and eugenics; Russian and Soviet science; social history of 19-20c science; science and literature); Margaret Jacob (Early-modern European science; Newtonianism; engineering in 18c Britain, France, and the Netherlands); Robert E. Kohler (19-20c science; laboratory and field sciences; scientific practice, American science); Henrika Kuklick (Socio-historical context 19-20c British and American social science; sociology of knowledge; science and colonialism, field sciences); M. Susan Lindee (20c American science; biology; gender; popular culture; war); Judith McGaw (18-19c industrial and agricultural technology; business and labor history); Charles Rosenberg (19c American science and medicine; science and social thought); Nathan Sivin (Science and medicine in China; cultural anthropology and sociology of knowledge in history of science); Rosemary A. Stevens (19-20c social and political history of medicine, cross-national comparison of medical care policy); Emily Thompson (19-20c American technolology and science: technology and culture). Associated faculty and professional staff: Whitfield Bell, O. Theodor Benfey, Diana H. Crane, Renee C. Fox, Gary Hatfield, Jeffrey L. Sturchio. [1996].

University of Pittsburgh (Department of History and Philosophy of Science), 1017 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Voice 412-624-5896; fax 412-629-3895. URL: MA and PhD. History of science as a branch of intellectual history; interaction of sciences, philosophy, and theology. Predoctoral fellowships; Carnap, Reichenbach, de Finetti, Feigl, and Ramsey collections. 25 graduate students in 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Merrilee Salmon (Chair) (Anthropology; social science); Nuel Belnap (Logic; philosophy of social sciences); Rob Clifton (Quantum physics); John Earman (20c physics); Bernard Goldstein (Ancient and medieval astronomy and mathematics); Adolf GrÄnbaum (Philosophy of space and time; logic of scientific inference; psychoanalysis); JamesLennox (Ancient biology; Darwin); J. E. McGuire (17-18c philosophy); Peter Machamer (Psychology); Ken Manders (Mathematics; Descartes); Gerald Massey (Philosophy of science; symbolic logic); John Norton (19-20c physics; Einstein); Robert Olby (20c biology); Nicholas Rescher (Philosophy; philosophy of science); Fritz Ringer (History of social institutions); Laura Ruetsche (20c physics); Wesley Salmon (20c physics; philosophy of science) [1996].

Rhode Island

Brown University (Department of the History of Mathematics), Box 1900, Providence, RI 02912. Voice 401-863-2101. MA and PhD. Transmission and transformation of astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and astral magic in antiquity, the medieval period, and the Renaissance; cultural areas include classical, medieval, and Renaissance Western Europe, ancient and Byzantine Greek, ancient Mesopotamia, medieval Islam, medieval Iran, and India from earliest times until 19c; emphasis on original documents; students must know the relevant languages. 3 graduate students in fall 1996. Large collection of microfilms and xeroxes of Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Sanskrist manuscripts. Outstanding collections of printed books. Regular faculty and professional staff: David Pingree (Chairman) (Transmission and transformation of astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and astral magic, ancient to early modern periods); Kim Plofker (Sanskrit and Arabic astronomical and mathematical texts). Associated faculty and professional staff: Joan Richards [1996].


University Of Houston (Department of History), Houston, TX 77204. Voice 713-743-3095; fax 713-743-3216.; MA and PhD. History of medicine 19-20c with emphasis on psychiatry, psychoanalysis, public health, epidemiology, public policy; history of science 19-20c with emphasis on physics space technology, engineering, invention, telecommunications, waste disposal, energy. NASA Headquarters, Texas Medical Center, Jesse Jones Medical Library, Museum of Health and Medical Science, Museum of Natural Science. 160 students in 1995-96. Regular faculty and professional staff: Hannah S. Decker (Director) (19-20c European and German history) (Psychiatry; psychoanalysis; psychology); James H. Jones (20c American history) (Public health; public policy; epidemiology); John Lienhard (Engineering, technology, invention); Kenneth Lipartito (20c American history) (Telecommunications) Martin Melosi (20c American history) (Waste disposal and energy); Loyd S. Swenson (19-20c American history) (American science and technology; aerospace; Einstein) [1996].


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies), Center for the Study of Science in Society, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0227. Voice 703-231-7687; fax 703-231-7013; E-mail URL: MA and PhD. Graduate program established in fall of 1986; supported by the Center for the Study of Science in Society and by the Departments of History, Philosophy, and Sociology; unified approach to science and technology through history, philosophy, and sociology; as focal point of program, Center organizes and supports research and graduate education in STS with concentrations in cognitive, social, and political values in STS, historically grounded theories of change, scientific institutions esp 20c and USA, history and philosophy of biology, and early modern science. Rare books in history of 18-19c technology esp transport, communications, and agriculture; Archives of American Aerospace Exploration; International Archive of Woman in Agriculture; archives of Virginia Academy of Science, predecessors of Southern Railway Company, and Norfolk and Western Railway Company; papers of Samuel Herrick, pioneer aerodynamicist, and Christopher Kraft, former director of Johnson Space Center. Approximately 40 graduate students in Blacksburg at any time. Regular faculty and professional staff: Richard Burian (Director) (Philosophy) (History and philosophy of biology); Roger Ariew (Philosophy) (History and philosophy of science; early modern science; Descartes); Mark A. Barrow, Jr. (History) (History of conservation and environmentalism; history of nineteenth and twentieth-century biology; history of American science); Henry Bauer (Chemistry) (Pseudoscience and fringe science); Frederic Baumgartner (History) (Early modern science esp France); Alan Bayer (Sociology) (Citation studies); Daryl E. Chubin (STS at Northern Virginia Center) (Science policy; education and human resource development); Chris Cosnas (STS at Northern Virginia Center) (Philosophy of science; history of science); Eileen Crist (STS) (Sociology of science, especially biology); Gary Downey (Anthropology) (Technology and society; nuclear power policy); Mordechai Feingold (History) (Early modern English history; history of science and education); Ellsworth Fuhrman (Sociology) (Sociology of science); Marjorie Grene (Philosophy) (Philosophy of biology; philosophy of science; history of philosophy); Gary L. Hardcastle (Philosophy) (Epistemology; history and philosophy of science; philosophy of social science); Valerie G. Hardcastle (Philosophy) (Philosophy of mind; philosphy of psychology, ñneurophilosophy;î cognitive science; neuropsychology); J. Scott Hauger (STS and Director of STS at Northen Virginia Center) (Technology development and innovation; technology and disability; technology policy); Richard Hirsh (History) (History of technology esp electrical power); Kathleen Jones History) (History of medicine, history of psychiatry, United States womenÍs history; family history); Ann La Berge (History) (History of medicine; history of public health in 19c France and Britain); Timothy Luke (Sociology) (Contemporary political and social theory; environmental philosophy and criticism; politics and technologies of informational society); Deborah Mayo (Philosophy) (Statistics; experimental testing); Harlan Miller (Philosophy) (Biomedical ethics); Albert Moyer (History) (Modern physics; social relations of US science); Joseph Pitt (Philosophy) (Interaction of science and philosophy; philosophy of technology; early modern science esp Galileo); Duncan Porter (Biology) (Evolution; Darwin's plants; Darwin's voyages; history of biology); Barbara J. Reeves (History) (History of development of scientific institutions and ideologies; power and authrotiy in science; science and politics; science in modern culture); William Snizek (Sociology) (Scientometrics); Richard H. White (STS at Northern Virginia Center) (Technology policy; technology and economic competitiveness; technology and national security); DorisZallen (Biology) (Development of French genetics; social and ethical issues arising from advances in genetic and reproductive technologies). Associated faculty and professional staff: Marvin Blecher, Ezra Brown, Helen Crawford, Charles Dudley, I.J. Good, John A.N. Lee, Muriel Lederman, Martha McCaughey, Frank Quinn, Paul Siegel, Sue Ann Tolin, Layne Watson [1997].


University of Washington (Program in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine), Department of Medical History and Ethics, School of Medicine, Box 357120, Seattle, WA 98195; and Department of History, Box 353560, Seattle, WA 98195. Voice 206-543-5145 (for MHE) and 206-543-5695 or 5790 (for DH). MA and PhD in history. 9 students in history in 1996-1997. Regular faculty and professional staff: Keith R. Benson (Program Coordinator) (MHE) (History of biology; 19-20c American science; evolution theory); George K. Behlmer (DH) (Victorian social history; history of English public health); Thomas L. Hankins (DH) (18-19c mechanics; Enlightenment science; biography); Bruce Hevly (DH) (19-20c history of technology; scientificinstitutions; American science); James C. Whorton (MHE) (Chemistry; alchemy; pharmacy; public health and hygiene). Associated faculty and professional staff: Larry Bliquez, Jody Bourgeois, John Campbell, Leah Ceccarelli, Ken Clatterbaugh, John S. Edwards, James Evans (UPS), Mott Greene (UPS), Marc Lange, Woodruff T. Sullivan [1997]

West Virginia

West Virginia University (Department of History), PO Box 6303, Morgantown, WV 26506-6303. Voice 304-293-2421; fax 304-293-6858; E-mail,, URL: MA and PhD. History of science and technology in the American and modern European contexts. 6 graduate students in fall 1990. Regular faculty and professional staff: Gregory A. Good (19-20c physical sciences and geoscience); Stephen C. McCluskey (History of science; astronomy in traditional cultures and early medieval Europe); A. Michael McMahon (History of technology; environmental history; 18 and 19c America) Associated faculty and professional staff: Emory L. Kemp (Emeritus) [1996].

West Virginia University (Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology), Bicentennial House, 1535 Mileground, Morgantown, WV 26505. Voice 304-293-2513; fax 304-293-2449. Both academic and professional, intended to support public and private programs and projects concerned with the history of technology, with industrial archaeology, and with the preservation of engineering works, each of which has its own section. Separate education and communications group to disseminate articles, newsletters, and monographs. 3 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Emory L. Kemp (Director) (Technology; industrial revolution; structural engineering); Billy Joe Peyton (Associate Director) (Industrial revolution; technology; industrial archaeology). Associated faculty and professional staff: Gregory Good, Barbara Howe, Ronald Lewis, Lee Maddox, Hota Ganga Rao, Lee Sypolt, Michael Workman [1997].


University of Wisconsin (Department of History of Medicine), 1300 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706. Voice 608-262-1460; fax 608-262-2327. MA and PhD; admission and degrees granted through History of Science Department. Regular faculty and professional staff: Harold J. Cook (Chair) (Early modern medicine); Thomas Broman (Biology; European medicine); Vanessa Northington Gamble (Race and medicine; hospitals); Judith Walzer Leavitt (American public health; women's health); Ronald L. Numbers (Science and medicine in America). Associated faculty and professional staff: W. Bruce Fye [1996].

University of Wisconsin (Department of History of Science), 7143 Social Science Building, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706. Voice 608-262-1406; fax 608-262-3984; E-mail MA and PhD; also joint PhD programs with Philosophy and History Departments; joint major possible with History of Pharmacy Program. Isis Current Bibliography (ed. John Neu). 37 graduate students in fall 1996. Regular faculty and professional staff: Michael H. Shank[ (Head of program) (Physical sciences to 17c esp in late middle ages; science and the university); Thomas H. Broman (18th century science and medicine; history of physiology); Harold J. Cook (Early modern medicine and science); Vanessa Gamble (American medicine and public health; Afro-Americans and medicine; American hospitals; American health policy); Victor L. Hilts (Social and behavioral sciences); Aaron J. Ihde (Emeritus); Judith W. Leavitt (Medicine and public health in USA; women and medicine); David C. Lindberg (Medieval, Renaissance, and early modern science; optics; science and religion); John Neu (Bibliography of history of science); Ronald L. Numbers (American science and medicine; science and religion); Lynn K. Nyhart[ (History of biology); Eric Schatzberg (history of technology); Daniel M. Siegel (19-20c physics and related disciplines); Robert Siegfried (Emeritus). Associated faculty and professional staff: Robin Rider [1996].

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