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As a benefit to members, the History of Science Society provides a free link to the Research Libraries Group's History of Science and Technology Database. Please note that this service is expressly reserved for individual members of the Society. Institutional subscribers to Isis interested in obtaining access to the database should contact the Research Libraries Group directly.

Access to the database requires a username and password, which are available to individual members from the HSS Executive Office or in the latest HSS Newsletter.

The database can be viewed only with Netscape Navigator. Jump to Netscape Navigator.

connect Connect to the Database Web Gateway

If you are unable to access the HST database from the web, you may instead telnet to one of the following addresses:

connect (for half-duplex connection)

connect (for full-duplex connection)

For more information on the History of Science and Technology Database, click here. You can also access the list of journal tiltes indexed in HST by clicking here.

You may also wish to visit the Research Libraries Group's corporate website or RLG's CitaDel (citation access and document delivery) service.

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