HSS 2001-2002 Employment Survey

The results of the 2000-2001 survey are online. They are also available in the October 2001 newsletter.

Amy Bix, who will be preparing next year's report, seeks information from those of you who have actively sought positions in history of science, medicine, and/or technology in the last three years -- even if you actually applied for few or no positions. Information about the nature, length, successes, failures, and frustrations of your job search will add important and otherwise unobtainable perspective to this year's employment report. All material will be treated as confidential. Neither respondent's names nor potentially identifying information will be used without express permission.

1) Highest Degree earned in history of sci/med/tech at time of job search:
BA | BS | MA | ABD | PHD
2) Granting institution for degree(s) in #1 above:
3) What other degrees or training do you have?
4) What sources did you check for job listing?
5) During which academic years were you actively applying for positions?
1999/2000: 2000/2001: 2001/02:
Approximately how many positions did you apply for in each year?
1999/2000: 2000/2001: 2001/02:
6) How many times in each year did you...
1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/02
make the short list?
get an interview at a professional meeting?
get an on-campus interview?
7) Was geographic location a factor in your job search?
Yes No
If so, what regions would have been acceptable to you?
8) How successful were your efforts?
Found the position of your dreams:
Found an acceptable permanent position:
Found an acceptable temporary position:
Found a job:
Made the interview list:
9) Demographic Info.:
Female Male
Minority? Yes No
10) What aspects of the job candidate search/ search process (broadly defined) are most in need of changes and what changes would you suggest?
11) Any other comments, anecdotes, or information you wish to contribute.

12) You may remain anonymous if you wish, but contact information would be useful.
Phone number:
E-mail address:
13) Have you responded to this survey before?
Yes No
If so, when?
This form will automatically be sent to Amy Bix (abix@iastate.edu ) at the History Department, Iowa State University.

Thank You!