*For New Members

*For Renewing Members

HSS 2000-2001 Endowment Drive

The year 2000 marked the final installment by the family of Joseph Hazen (The Hazen-Polsky Fund) of four annual $25,000.00 contributions to the History of Science Society. These funds will reside in the Society's endowment, with the proceeds earmarked to support the Society's Committee on Education, the Society's annual Hazen Prize, and other initiatives.

At the same time, the Hazen family has challenged members of the History of Science Society to match this generous contribution. Please consider making a contribution to HSS in support of this endowment drive. This is the first Society-wide endowment campaign since the late 1980's. Let us enter the new millennium with a boost to our endowment!




For New Members

  • Membership in the History of Science Society is open to interested historians, scientists, and laypersons.

  • Members receive the quarterly journal Isis, the HSS Newsletter, and the Isis Current Bibliography.

  • Dues are assessed on a calender year basis, with the new membership year beginning January 1.

  • If you would like to receive additional information concerning membership, including membership application forms, please let us know.

  • To join, you need only subscribe to Isis. Subscriptions are taken by the University of Chicago Press. For more information about Isis, click here.

  • In addition to joining HSS on-line you can concurrently make a donation to the HSS Endowment Drive. If interested, please click here.
  • To proceed to the University of Chicago Press Subscription Site, please click the link below:

For Renewing Members (please read!)

  • On-line renewals are taken via the same form as new members. On the Secure Order Form, be sure to click the "Renewal" button at the top of the form.

  • The form asks for a 9 digit account/subscription number from the journal mailing label. This number is preceded by three 0's. Enter only the last nine digits.

    For example, if your mailing label number is 000987654321 then enter 987654321 as your account number on the Secure Order Form (Omit the preceding three 0's).

  • You have the opportunity to both renew or establish your membership on-line and simultaneously contribute to the HSS Endowment Drive which is currently underway. To make a contribution in addition to joining on-line, simply type your desired contribution into the "Comments, special instructions, etc.:" box on the Secure Order Form.

For example:

    Comments, special instructions, etc.:

    Please charge my credit card an additional $25.00 as a donation to the HSS Endowment Drive.

  • To proceed to the University of Chicago Press Subscription Site, please click the link below:

Connect to the University of Chicago Press Isis subscription site.















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