University of Göttingen

Open Position

Goettingen University, Germany Institute for the History of Science Assistant Professor (wissenschaftliche(r) Assistent(in))

The Institute for the History of Science at Goettingen University seeks an assistant professor in the history of science (3 years renewable; salary according to civil service pay bracket C 1). The successful candidate must have a Ph.D.. Field of specialization is open, but research should be compatible with the core interests of the institute and preferably draw on the historical resources of Goettingen University. Teaching duties include a survey course in the history of the exact sciences. A letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees (but no samples of written work) should be sent by 15 October 2001, to Prof. Dr. Nicolaas Rupke, Goettingen University, Institute for the History of Science, Humboldtallee 11, D-37073 Goettingen, Germany. Further information may be obtained at this address, as well as by e-mail ( or by checking the Institute's home page at

. Goettingen University is an affirmative action institution: given appropriate qualifications, women receive preferential treatment in fields in which they are underrepresented; given equal qualifications, people with disabilities will be accorded priority.

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