Society Editor

History of Science Society

Search for Next HSS Editor Begins: The History of Science Society's Committee on Publications is now searching for the next Editor of the Society. The Editor-who is responsible for the society's two journals, Isis and Osiris, and the annual Current Bibliography volume (in all, 1500+ pages/year)-will serve a five-year term, from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2008, with the possibility of extension.

As an Officer of the Society, the HSS Editor also serves as an active voting member of the HSS Council and of the Executive Committee and attends meetings of these bodies and of the Committee on Publications. It is expected that, during the term of the Editor, the University of Chicago Press will continue to publish Isis, Osiris, and the CB.

Candidates for Editor will need strong institutional and collegial support to perform a wide variety of editorial tasks. These tasks include: serving as Editor of Isis; managing the Isis Editorial Office; either serving as Editor of Osiris as well as Isis or selecting and overseeing the associate editor for Osiris and its Editorial Office; and overseeing the HSS Bibliographer and the CB Editorial Office. The current Isis Editorial Office includes the Editor, a Managing Editor, a Book Review Editor, and two graduate assistants, plus a Manuscript Editor (an off-site full-time employee of HSS) and freelance copyeditors and proofreaders.

The History of Science Society is able to provide major financial support for the Editorial Office through the Dibner Fund, but the Editor's institution is expected to provide significant support as well.

Potential editors should contact Karen Reeds, Chair, HSS Committee on Publications, for additional information as soon as possible.

Karen Reeds
127 Southgate Rd,
New Providence NJ 07974
908--464-0714 fax 908--464-6814

Preliminary proposals for the position should be sent as soon as possible and by February 1, 2002 at the latest.

The Committe will respond to these proposals and request revised proposals, with budgets and proposals for staffing, which will be due March 1, 2002; final proposals, due October 1, 2002. Interviews of finalists will take place just before or at the HSS Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, 7-10 November 2002.

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