Indiana University, Bloomington, IN


The DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track position to begin Fall 2002. We seek a specialist in the history of biology and/or medicine after 1800. The ideal candidate would have interdisciplinary interests in History and Philosophy of Science. Both junior and senior applicants are encouraged. Send dossier (including CV, letters of recommendation, writing sample, and statement of research and teaching interests) by December 1, 2001 to: Search Committee, History and Philosophy of Science, Goodbody Hall 130, Indiana University, 1011 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-7005. Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We encourage applications from minorities and women. Preliminary interviews will be held at the annual HSS meeting in Denver, CO November 8 Ð 11.

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