Assistant Professor

History of Medicine

Mc Gill University,
Dept. of Social Studies of Medicine

The Department of Social Studies of Medicine of McGill University seeks an assistant professor in the history of medicine (tenure track) in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Department is an interdisciplinary unit within the Faculty of Medicine and includes historians, anthropologists and sociologists. It places strong emphasis on research and graduate supervision, but is also responsible for considerable teaching in the Faculties of Arts and Medicine. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D and publications (an MD would be an additional asset) and must be able to function in both the medical milieu and an interdisciplinary social science environment. We will consider all areas of research interest compatible with the core strengths of the Department in comparative medical systems and medical knowledge in the 20th century.

Curriculum vitae and three letters of reference should be sent by December 31 2001, to:

Faculty Search Committee
Department of Social Studies of Medicine
McGill University
3655 Drummond Street
Montreal, P.Q. H3G 1Y6

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. McGill University is committed to equal opportunity in employment.

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