Northwestern University

Northwestern University's Science in Human Culture Program (SHC) invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships in the contextual study of science, technology, and medicine, to start September 2002. We seek applicants in the history of science, the philosophy of science, and the sociology/anthropology of science, who will thrive in an interdisciplinary program. Probably two fellows will be appointed. They will be affiliated with both the SHC and an appropriate disciplinary department (history, philosophy, sociology, etc). They will pursue a program of independent scholarship and, by arrangement with the program director and chair of the fellow's department, teach two one-quarter courses a year, a seminar and a lecture course. They will help organize the SHC weekly faculty seminar series, and give one seminar a year. The annual stipend is $33,300.

Applicants should send 1) cover letter and full curriculum vitae, 2) four-page fellowship proposal, 3) writing sample consisting of either a dissertation chapter or published paper, and 4) graduate school transcripts-and arrange to have three letters of recommendation, at least one commenting on teaching qualifications sent directly-to Ms. Phyllis Siegel, Program in Science in Human Culture, 20 University Hall, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2245.

The due date for all materials is January 15, 2002.

The SHC website is Questions about administrative matters may be addressed to Ms. Siegel at, about the content and goals of the program to Ken Alder, program director, at AA/EOE: applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.

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