Rochester Institute of Technology

Science, Technology, and Society Department

The Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Department of Rochester Institute of Technology seeks to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning 1 September 2002. Ph.D. in STS strongly preferred. Candidate must be actively engaged in STS-related areas of research. Teaching experience expected. Candidates must be committed to undergraduate teaching, liberal learning, and critical thinking as part of a career-oriented education. The position requires teaching courses in the STS Department's undergraduate curriculum (Science and Technology Studies and Environmental Studies). Candidates should be qualified to teach courses in at least one of the following areas: (1) RIT's BS/MS Environmental Science Degree Program, offered jointly (and team-taught) by the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Science, (2) race, class, gender, or ethnicity issues, (3) global issues, and (4) information technology or computer issues.

For more information see the STS and Environmental Science Web sites ( and Send letter of application and resume, and request that three letters of recommendation be forwarded to Thomas D. Cornell, Chair, STS Department, College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology, 92 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York 14623-5604. We shall begin reading applications on 1 November 2001. Minority candidates and women are especially encouraged to apply.

RIT is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer looking for individuals with an ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the Institute's commitment to cultural diversity.

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