University of Wisconsin

Chair, Department of Medical History and Bioethics

The University of Wisconsin Medical School invites applications and nominations for Chair of the Department of the History of Medicine. The 10-member department, one of the oldest and most eminent of its kind in North America, has for nearly 30 years also provided a home for the Program in Medical Ethics and is currently in the process of being renamed the Department of Medical History and Bioethics. In cooperation with the Department of the History of Science, the department has developed a strong graduate program in the history of European and American medicine and public health. The Bioethics Program, in addition to its scholarly and service contributions to the University and UW Hospital, is extensively involved in policy issues nationally and internationally. A formal graduate program in bioethics is under consideration.

We seek a recognized leader with an outstanding academic background, strong research credentials, a demonstrated commitment to education, experience in mentoring junior faculty, and proven management skills. The chair provides academic and administrative leadership in teaching, research, and service. Although the field of expertise in medical history and bioethics is open, preference will be given to candidates in the area of clinical bioethics. Qualifications include a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. degree and accomplishments as a scholar and teacher that meet the standards for a tenured faculty appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Applications should be received by November 15, 2001 to ensure full consideration. The Medical School particularly encourages applications and nominations of women and members of under-represented groups. Applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three references to: History of Medicine Chair Search Committee, c/o Margie Martin, UW Medical School, Room 1225 Medical Sciences Center, 1300 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706. Phone: 608-262-7705. E-mail:

Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.

The University of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity, affirmative-action employer.

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