Nineteenth-Century Knowledges:
17th Annual Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century
Studies Conference

11 - 14 April, 2002
George Mason University,
Fairfax, Virginia, United States

Call for Papers Deadline: 2001-10-14

INCS: Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies and George Mason University present: Nineteenth-Century Knowledges INCS 17th Annual Conference April 11-14, 2002 George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

Keynote Speaker: George Levine Kenneth Burke Professor of English, Rutgers University; books include Darwin and the Novelists, One Culture: Essays in Science and Literature, and Realism and Representation: Essays on the Problem of Realism in Relation to Science, Literature, and Culture.

Paper or panel proposals are invited on any aspect of the politics of nineteenth century knowledge, including information, education, taste, disciplinarity, and science.

Possible proposal topics might include but are not limited to:

* Pedagogies in/of the nineteenth century
* Canons and canon formation
* Teaching and teachers
* Professionalizing information
* Constructions of disciplines and disciplinarity
* The knowledge industry
* Gender and knowledge
* The politics of scientific knowledge
* Education and ideology
* Constructions of taste
* Idea(l)s of the university
* Museums, exhibits, and exhibitions
*The politics of literacy: race, gender, class
* The grand tour

Longer versions of INCS conference papers are regularly published in the affiliated journal Nineteenth Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Send 200-400 word abstracts by October 14, 2001 to Notification of acceptance will be mailed electronically in December. Presenters must be members of INCS, an international group of scholars dedicated to interdisciplinary discussion and research. Sessions at the conference are devoted to discussion following 5-7 minute presentations.

Complete papers are available in advance at the conference's password-protected website:


Call for Papers website:


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