The Book of Nature. Continuity and change
in European and American Attitudes
toward the Natural World

22 - 25 May, 2002

University of Gröningen, THE NETHERLANDS

The metaphor of the "Book of nature" is a recurrent theme in the history of Western attitudes towards the natural world. In this tradition, nature is seen as a text Ð a system of signs Ð that refers to and provides insights into the wisdom, providence and omnipotence of God the Creator. From the time of St. Augustine, who was the first to use the concept explicitly, to at least the beginning of the twentieth century, the notion of the Book of Nature has promoted a positive attitude towards nature. It has also culturally legitimated its study and has indirectly defined what was thought as culture. Yet beneath the apparent continuity through history this notion has undergone substantial changes. Its popularity varied through time, its connections to related concepts have changed more than once and its religious implications have not always been the same. To explore this interplay of change and continuity an international conference will be held at the research institute for the humanities at the University of Gröningen in May 2002. The organizers of this conference are Prof. Klaas van Berkel (Modern History) and Prof. Arjo Vanderjagt (Medieval Studies), both of the University of Groningen.

Proposals for papers for this conference should be submitted to the conference secretary at the following e-mail address:, preferably before November 1, 2001.

The following distinguished scholars consented to be plenary speakers:
Prof. Peter Harrison (Gold Coast),
Prof. John North (Oxford),
Prof. Ronald L. Numbers (Madison),
Prof. Willemien Otten (Utrecht),
Prof. Nicolaas Rupke (Gšttingen) and
Prof. Hans Thijssen (Nijmegen).

The conference fee is €80 (those making their payment before November 1, 2001 pay €68). This fee includes registration, conference material, reception, coffee/tea. Meals and accommodation are not included. Payment of the fee may be made to account, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, mentioning: "111202, BoN (May 2002)". Payments by credit card are also accepted. The texts of the plenary lectures and a selection of the other papers will be published by Peeters (Leuven) in the series Groningen Studies in Cultural Change.

Further details will be given during the conference.

For further information, please contact Klaas van Berkel ( or Marijke Wubbolts (

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